The Cast Do Pottermore Quiz

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requested by: writerrose1212


" Ok, Promptly we must follow the schedule so now we will be watching 4 of the cast members take the Pottermore Quiz" Loki explains.

" Oh, Finally" Ginny sighs.

" Not, Like You Knew It was coming up" Hermione laughs.

" But you know, get to see the video" Ginny laughs.

* Bonnie Wright Talks To Pottermore*

" It's meant to be. My actress first" Ginny says.

" More Like Ladies goes First" Harry bows his head.

* Why do you think people keep going back to the Harry Potter Stories*

" Because they love me" Draco points to himself.

" and The Slytherins," Pansy adds.

" I'll have to respectfully disagree on that...yeah" Draco turns his head to Pansy before Bopping his head back.

"there's a beautiful ensemble of characters that i think no matter what sort of kid you were growing up or even adult as you are when you're older you find something within them all that lives inside you" Bonnie answers.

" So In shorter words, it's their Childhood" Harry says.

" Not exactly," Hermione replies.

* Do You miss playing Ginny Weasley*

" Duh" Ginny flips her hair.

" Somebody is Feeling very sassy Today" George turns to her.

" It's My Nature" Ginny blinks her eyes rapidly.

" Ok sis, if that's what you are Today" Fred shrugs.

"I think only it's now beginning to feel like part of my past in the sense that it's really become enough years now for for us i think to separate the experience of it being those 10 years rather than like a present experience" Bonnie replies.

" That's a long while" Neville says.

" I am officially in her past" Ginny raises her hand.

" A lot of things are in the past," Luna comments.

" Like Tom," Ron asks.

" We don't talk about him," Ginny replies.

* How Did you approach the Character of Ginny*

"My favourite idea i always had towards Ginny that David yates and i always played on was this idea that she was this warrior and i think that was always something that i really enjoyed i was such a tomboy as a girl growing up and so i loved the idea that i didn't have to be like you don't have to be girly to be a girl"

" The Warrior I am" Ginny smiles.

" If you mean a Pesky Blood Traitor then yes we shall call them warriors" Bellatrix rolls her eyes.

" I am quite the Tom Boy and Feminist" Ginny smiles

" It was easy to catch on," Narcissa comments.

" I mean you have too many Brothers not to be," McGonagall says.

* What Impressed you the most when making the Films*

" There must be a Long List for that" Dumbledore says.

" I fore say since They don't have magic" Snape rubs his chin.

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