" I'm The Half Blood Prince" Scene

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 *Alarm went off*

" Wake up" Hermione shouts as she notices everybody still asleep.

" You guys" Hermione sighs, noticing Loki enter the room.

" Good m-... well day Loki" Hermione says, unsure if its morning or night.

" It seems we still see some sleepy heads," Loki says.

* Loki claps her hands and turns the beds back into their chairs with tiredly eyes staring at her*

" Good d-"Loki was cut off by Draco's snoring on his seat collapse.

" Seems like someone is still sleepy" Ron says in a raspy voice rubbing his eyes.

" I'll just pass out the food because we have a video to react to but this isn't a snack it's like an actual meal" Loki claps her hands as an attachable table comes in front of them out of their chair.

" Here are some Pancakes with eggs and sausages and Milk with cookies" Loki smiles letting the food go on the tables.

* Draco snores*

" Is nobody going to wake him up" Hermione says annoyed.

" I mean the snoring is atrocious" Harry starts eating.

" I would give him a wet willy but that would be disgusting" Loki says.

* Draco snores again*

" You know what, I'll wake him up on false alarm that might traumatize him" Loki suggests.

" False alarm" Luna says.

" Traumatize him," Harry asks.

" I mean I'll just shout that his Boggart arrived" Loki says.

" That's a bit far of a prank...." Hermione trails.

* Draco snores again*

" Actually go ahead" Hermione says, getting annoyed of the noise.

" Get ready for my perfect acting" Loki smiles.

" OH MY GOODNESS IS THAT LUCIUS MALFOY IN MY THEATER" Loki shouts getting confused faces from the theater except Draco who woke up in a flash.

" Where w-where" Draco says " Did You invite him?" Draco glared a bit freighted.

" Good Day Draco" Loki smiled, getting a few laughs from the theater " The snoring was too much so I had to wake you".

" What...you..little.." Draco flushed red.

" I Thought you said his boggart.. Oh" Hermione frowns with realization.

" My Boggart" Draco scoffs " My father... My Boggart... ridiculous" Draco nervously laughs.

" ya quite ridiculous but when it's Lucius Malfoy it seems reasonable. Anyway,eat up. Now we have a video to watch" Loki passes the food to him.

* Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes eating*

" Um, can we talk about this 'Classical music'" Ginny brings up.

" Of course" Loki smirks that they can Faintly see.

" I thought it was nice... for my taste" George finishes.

" I was hearing Heartbeats that were very loud and this is what you said Ignore Draco sleeping with you music" Hermione glared at Loki.

" Sleeping" Draco gasped.

" No no that type of sleeping" Loki rolls her eyes " The Music was just really a set of classical music with 'Draco's Heart' and him speaking".

" He said that you are safe and I went to sleep" Ron bit on the egg.

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