The Women of Peaky Blinders

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Long overdue request by: emilyramsey1445598


" Hey, So we're back at it" Loki looks at them.

" Ok, What is it now?" Draco asks.

" Your Mom," Loki answers.

" Who?" Narcissa speaks up.

" You said my mom," Draco barks.

" Yes, as a matter of fact. I did" Loki nods.

" Let me guess.... Peaky Blinders" Bellatrix puts her hands on her face.

" Yes," Loki nods.

" Brilliant" Lucius rolls his eyes.

" You don't like the show?" Pansy asks.

"I just don't want to see my wife's actress make out with somebody" Lucius scoffs.

" Insecure," McGonagall whispers.

" But it's not necessarily your wife, it's just the actress" Loki says.

" I still don't care" Lucius clicks his tongue.

" I smell insecurity," Dumbledore whispers.

" Nice, I don't care" Harry turns to Loki " Anyway continue the video, we don't care what Barbie has to say"

" Right, Of course" Loki plays the video.

* The Women of Peaky Blinders*

" WOMAN" Ginny screams and claps.

" More Like Feminism" Hermione claps.

" I'm so confused" Ron looks at Harry who just shrugs.

" My Maiden name is Shelby" Polly says.

" Interesting Fact" George says.

" We already knew that" Fred looks at him.

" Nobody is saying anything so it's best that i do" George whispers to him.

" Your a Shelby Now Too Linda"

" Their sisters or in laws" Luna asks.

" I don't have a clue" Neville shrugs.

* Series of Women*

" Why do they have guns?" McGonagall raises her eyebrows.

" Well one thing for sure Muggles tend to be Violent" Snape looks away.

* Dumbledore and McGonagall mouths drop to speak but then close realizing the sensitivity of the topic*

" Sometimes Women have to take over like in the war," Polly says.

" YES MA'AM" Ginny screams.

" I mean us women are currently at war " Hermione chuckles.

" Yes, we have to defeat the dark side" McGonagall looks towards Bellatrix.

" Well, I am taking over this war with Cissy," Bellatrix cackles lightly.

" Right..." Narcissa trails off.

" It does hit in our situation... that I will never fight for" Pansy adds.

" I mean we kind of in our own ways controlling this war" Luna chimes in.

" Nobody was talking to you, Looney," Pansy scoffs.

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