" So I'm Back, you missed me" Loki smiled.
" Actually No, Thanks for asking though" Pansy responded.
" Nobody replied... So I'll take that for a yes" Loki smiled, ignoring Pany's pettiness and her little scowl.
" I think I'm quite interested in what we are watching next" Luna commented.
" Well same o same o, We are watching The Breaking into the ministry last part" Loki explained.
" Oh did you make us watch it in all 3 parts so you wouldn't forget or.." Hermione asked.
"I just did it because it was one big scene and it's not nice to split it up if you get what I mean, '' Loki explained.
" That makes sense, Ok let's get to the last part" Harry rushes.
" Of course" Loki played the video.
" Mary Elizabeth Cattermole" Umbridge says.
" If it isn't the Devil" Harry shakes her head.
" Always ruining moments" Ron shakes his head.
" Of 27 Chislehurst Gardens , Great Tolling Evesham " Umbridge says.
" It's Here" Harry says.
" Obviously Dip shit" Draco whispers but still receives glares From Lucius and Narcissa.
" Thank goodness I don't have to keep scolding him for his language. It's his parents that have to" McGonagall sighs.
" Problem solved," Dumbledore smiles.
" He will still uses Vulgar Language" Snape tells them.
" Wife to" Umbridge says.
" Reg" Mary says.
" Oh She caught them" Neville gasps.
" Oh How this pleases me" Bellatrix cackles as her two escorts smile with her.
" Oh how disturbing this is" George says.
" It really is," Fred nods.
*Harry pushes Ron in*
" Harry was so scared and pushed Ron like you have to figure this out on your own now Bud" Ginny laughs. "
" Just a Small Push, better get your acting skills ready" Hermione smiles.
" No, Harry's mind was Do it for the team" Ron laughed.
" Thank you," Umbridge says.
" I just noticed she has a Patronus" Ginny raises her eyebrows.
" Well , she must find joy in hurting people," Hermione says.
" That's not nice" Luna tilts her head.
" Mary Elizabeth Cattermole" Umbridge speaks again.
" Yes," Mary says.
" A Wand was taken upon your arrival in the ministry, Mrs. Cattermole is this the wand" Umbridge raises the wand." Would you please tell the court where you took this wand"
" Is That What I Think It Is" Harry points.
" Dementors," Hermione points.
* Bellatrix cackles*
" It's a pretty sight," Lucius chuckles.
" Oh I Fell Lovely, I could Dance" Bellatrix rolls her head.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...