Hogwarts Legacy behind the Scenes

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" So, Now I have some explaining to do," Loki says.

" I'm pretty sure you explain everything," Harry says.

" Shut up, Harry," Loki growls.

" Yeah, Shut up, you always have something to say" Draco rolls his eyes dramatically.

" Continue on," Ron says.

" Well, Later This 2022 for me. A Game called Hogwarts Legacy where you can roleplay a life in Hogwarts is being released" Loki explains.

" Technology seems to have advanced," Hermione says.

" It has quite a bit," Loki smiles.

" Let's get into the video then" Luna says.

" Yes," Loki smiles.

"The attention to detail and the passion and the love for this brand that the team has is astonishing."

* Theater is in awe*

" Wow, That's amazing," Harry smiles.

" It's Beautiful" George smiles.

"Our team is so excited to take all of the love that they put into this as fans and give it to fans."

"This is the game that they've dreamed of for 20 years."

" Seriously," Loki laughed.

" Sorting Hat Ceremony" Fred comments.

" I noticed," Neville laughs.

" That's great detail," Luna adds.

" The lore of the wizarding world is already so rich. And all we had to do was harness those elements and build a game out of it."

" He's a Slytherin," Draco asks.

" Yes, The Little Icons show their House" Loki explains.

" He's a Slytherin" Pansy yells as the Slytherins laugh and make noise.

" Says alot the first person they show is a Slytherin" Lucius smirks giving a snarky look to Harry.

"The movies and the books, they all touched me in such a way that it makes me want to go to experience Hogwarts, makes me put in so much more detail into this game."

" A Hufflepuff," Neville says.

" He seems like he would be in Hufflepuff," McGonagall says.

" He does," Dumbledore agrees.

"We really want to make sure that anything we add or anything we play with or anything that we explore really feels authentic."

" A Ravenclaw" Luna smiles.

" They really are working hard on this," Hermione says.

" For The Fans" Ginny replies.

" For The Fans of course" Hermione nods.

" Also adding many details," Harry notes.

"Bringing to life just the charm and the love for everything we have for the books. And then marrying that with the iconic experiences from the movies that fans will recognize is really just the perfect handshake between the two."

" They Look exactly alike," Ron gasps.

" That's amazing, They are Lucky" George says.

" Plus she's a Gryffindor," Fred smiles.

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