The Marauders | HOME

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requested by: starlit_27030

"It is time to watch another manip" Loki announces.

"Great, what is it about?" Harry sighs.

"It's about the marauders still, right?" Hermione turns to Loki.

"Of course" Loki smiles as she starts the video.

"Masters, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the marauder's map"

"The Marauder's map" Fred repeats.

"We don't like wormtail though" George says.

"Oh, we hate him," Ginny hisses.

"Run past the rivers, run past the lights"

"That's you, Severus," Dumbledore points.

"Yes, I see myself" Snape says annoyed.

*James and Lily look at each other*

"They look so much in love," Hermione says.

"They did," Harry nods.

"Voldemort is such a pain" Ron rolls his eyes.

"It's obviously Important to you"

"Many things are Important to people" Neville says.

"The object is very important in tracking people" Luna says.

"Personally, I don't want anyone knowing my location" Draco raises his hands.

"Who would want to?" Ron snarls.

"Many people actually, many" Draco replies.

*Manips of Marauders*

"That's some nice edits.." Narcissa comments.

"Not of these filthy beings" Bellatrix hisses.

"I want to enjoy nice edits of people who deserve it" Lucius says.

"Right and the dead don't deserve it" Ginny says sarcastically.

"Lupin and Petty sadly aren't dead yet" Fred reminds her.


"The dead don't deserve shit" Bellatrix argues.

"Damn, okay" Ginny turns away.

"The sound of wind, Is whispering in your ear"

"What does the wind got to do with this?" Draco asks.

"I dunno" Blaise says.

"It's a nice edit about terrible people" Pansy looks at Draco.

"That's a great definition" Draco smiles.

"The sound of wind is whispering in your ear"

"Pettigrew, looks like a traitor" McGonagall points.

"I see where you get your sassiness, Harry" Hermione chuckles.

"People have told me that," Harry smiles.

"What is it?" Lily asks.

"Just hiding," Luna says.

"I wanna know how the fans were able to find different people to cast" Ron asks.

HP CHARACTERS REACT TO OUR WORLD ( Editing)Where stories live. Discover now