Jason Issacs Answer's The Internet

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" Well, I think it's finally time to get to this video," Loki says.

" Which Video?" Ron asks.

" The Upcoming video" Loki says.

" Yeah, What is the video?" Ron raises his eyebrow.

" You'll see," Loki smirks.

" We weren't Hugging, we were having hours of sex on stage" Jason says.

* Lucius turns red*

" What an intro" Harry says nodding his head a bit surprised.

" It's not like it's anything Different. Jason Issacs has always been like this" Hermione laughs.

" Your actor seems a bit very broad" Bellatrix says.

" It seems so" Lucius sighs, uncomfortably stealing glances to look at Draco's uncomfortableness.

" Why is" Jason laughs " Every man not Jason Issacs so I can Marry one of him".

" That's.... Sweet" Narcissa tilts her head.

" I mean There is a Thing called a Horcrux" Ginny suggests.

" But That only splits souls to keep him alive" Hermione argues.

" Well then, You simply can't" Ginny shrugs her shoulders.

" I Think you may want to speak to my wife, you think you had a very different picture" Jason says.

"Um but thanks anyway," Jason says.

" Well, Let's go speak to his wife, who is not Mrs. Malfoy," George points out.

" You have nobody to talk to," Narcissa says.

" Well, That was quickly over," Fred laughs.

" Why does Jason always play a Bad guy when he's such a hero" Jason reads out.

" Now That's a question I need answering," Harry points.

" It's a good Question" Neville nods.

"I'll be waiting for the response" Draco narrows his eyes while listening carefully.

" Now It's an Interesting question because I don't think as anyone as bad" Jason says.

" Really, not anybody?" Harry says side glancing Lucius who rolls his eyes.

" I think everybody just has a bad side that shows more often" Luna explains.

" Looney Lovegood always having hope for the hopeless" Pansy scoffs.

" And Potter while you're at it stop side glancing my Father" Draco demands him.

" What?" Harry says in a sarcastic tone.

" I'm Serious," Draco says sternly.

" Now, Now. Draco we know how to handle him" Lucius laughs in a menacing tone.

" It's Just Who They are, Obviously The Most High Profiled is Lucius Malfoy" Jason says.

" Of course it is," McGonagall says.

" I mean everybody knows him" Dumbledore says

" From Harry Potter, and he's a racist" Jason says.

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