Xenophilius Lovegood Clip

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"Okay, so now we are on to watch your 7th year" Loki announced.

"7th year..." Blaise raised his eyebrows.

"It's still considered as 7th year ask the stupid Author" Draco shrugged.

"Right..." Loki turned to put the video on.

"How can I help you, Mr.Potter?"

"Didn't we watch this part?" Harry says.

"I am pretty sure we did," Ron nods.

"It'll connect," Loki says.

"Well, it was actually about something you were wearing around here. wearing around your neck at the wedding was a symbol"

"The Deathly Hallows, Blah, Blah" Ginny says.

"You're annoyed" Fred gives her a smug face.

"No, just want to get to the new part" Ginny sighs.

"You mean this"

"Looks so much like yes that's exactly what we wondered is what is it'

"So, why are we looking for the deathly hallows?" Blaise asks.

"I barely pay attention, I don't know" Pansy answers.

"Of course you don't" Blaise shakes his head.

"You should pay attention, it's your future" McGonagall tells her.

"More like his" Pansy replies.

"And it effects yours, dumbass" Draco scoffs.

"Maybe I should pay attention..."

"What is it?"

"Well it's the sign of the Deathly Hollows of course"

"Everybody knows what the deathly hallows are now" Hermione speaks up.

"Except me" Neville raises his hand shyly.

"Neville, do you need me to explain?" Luna asks politely.

"Seems like I crucioed him" Bellatrix scoffs.

"He's just forgotten," Narcissa says.

"J-Just a r-reminder" Neville scratches his head shyly.

"Okay, Then well-" Luna explains.

* Scene cuts and Mr. Lovegood gets up*

"Okay, now this is what we haven't watched" Dumbledore says.

"Obviously" Snape says.

"The Elder wand, the most powerful one ever made."

"I own that wand," Dumbledore smirks.

"Enough gloating," McGonagall says.

"I wasn't gloating-"

"Right, I could steal it and get out of here by one of Loki's portals," Lucius smirks.

"Like she would allow that" Harry rolls his eyes before turning to Loki "Right?"

"Why the hell would I allow Lucy to escape" Loki shakes her head.

"The resurrection stone"

"I want that stone" Harry says before revealing a smug face "To save Sirius"

"No, I do not agree" Bellatrix yells.

"Well, we do so fuck off" Ginny spats.

"OH SHE DID NOT-" Bellatrix yells.

"Oh she did," Fred chuckles.

"The cloak of invisibility"

"How did the Potter exactly get the cloak of Invisibility?" Draco asks.

"We will figure it out soon, Hopefully" McGonagall answers.

"Or Dumbledee can answer" Pansy turns her head to a stern Dumbledore.

"together they make the Deathly Hallows together they may one master of death"

* Clip ends*

"That's Chilling" Harry sighs.

"The master of death part really got me" Ron pats himself.

"That's very scary but that's the truth of the deathly hallows" Luna says.

"Right," Neville smiled.

"Didn't you just forget what the deathly hallows were" Draco asks as Neville stays quiet.


"Were not here to shame people we believe are lower than us" Narcissa tells him.

"I just needed to let him know how stupid he is."

"Woah Draco" Blaise patted him "Calm down with the ego"

"Says the motherfuckin coward who couldn't kill an old weak man" Ginny retorts.

"I don't know if i should feel offended"

"You shouldn't' Draco snarls. 

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