Potter Puppet Pals: Wizard Swears

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long overdue request by: paulnekha369


" How do I start this?" Loki Thinks out loud.

" By Apologizing to me and her" Pansy points to Bellatrix and herself.

" I'll pass on that" Loki sighs.

" As you should" Ginny claps.

" Ok, So This Video is a skit but you as puppets" Loki smiles.

" Puppets" Harry asks.

" Did I say anything else?" Loki asks, narrowing her eyes under her cloak.

" No you said puppies" Hermione confirms, rolling her eyes.

" So... Just enjoy the video because next we have a segment" Loki announces.

" Great Warning" Harry sighs.

*The Potter Puppet Pals*

" Interesting name it's got" Ron notes.

" It surprisingly managed to have all 3 ppp's in the name" Harry studies it.

* Wizard Swears*

" Wizard Swears" Dumbledore shouts.

" Now, This will be interesting," Draco smirks.

" Guys, Professor Dumbledore posted a list of words that are banned from Hogwarts. I didn't know that Wizards Had swears" Harry says.

" Of course there's swears" Ron says surprised.

" I know that" Harry says.

" Besides that Rat up there is a wizard that swears" Hermione points up.

" Talking to me Granger" Draco looks down.

" Who else simpleton?" Ginny glares at him.

" Of course" Draco rolls his eyes.

" Of course they do Harry, They're called Wizard swears" Hermione says.

" Oh Like Cauldron Bum " Ron says.

" Really, That's adorable," Harry says.

" They might but they are certainly not" Fred looks at Harry.

" No, They are worse than that, read some Harry" Hermione orders him.

" Read some Swears, you're encouraging that" Pansy stares at the back of Hermione's head.

" Not me, The Puppet me" Hermione stares at the screen

" The Same Thing" Draco joins in.

" Gone to defend your girlfriend in bullying another" George turns around to face them.

" I mean what else can he do, He Loves her like that" Ginny teases.

" That means he must care for her," Luna smiles.

" No, No , NO" Draco yells.

" You don't care about me" Pansy seems a bit hurt.

" Oh Drama" McGonagall sips on her tea.

" No, I" Draco sighs " I Care about you as a Friend" Draco looks at Pansy who nods.

" Let's see here, Son of a Banshee, That's Useful" Harry says.

" You mean Son of a Bitch" Harry asks.

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