"So, we will be watching a clip from my younger childhood days. Didn't understand how traumatizing it was" Loki says.
"Oh Boy" Harry shakes his head.
"It's just over a minute, calm down, Captain pots," Loki says in a pirate voice.
"Now, you sound like the oaf," Draco says.
"Keep it to yourself, Malfoy" Harry hissed.
"It was released in 2009," Loki says.
"Oh that's long," Neville says.
"Not as Long as my-"
"It was the same year as half blood prince" Loki slowly turns to the Slytherin side "But after this clip from your 7th year"
"Bloody Hell, I just realized you need a wand, don't you?" Ron asks Harry, who is sitting right next to him."
"Yes, I do," Harry rolls his eyes.
"Yeah" Harry says.
" I've got one here," Ron says.
"Oh, you could have said that a long while ago" Hermione rolls her eyes.
"It's a BlackThorn. Ten Inches'' Ron pulls out the wand. "Nothing Special but I reckon it'll do"
"interesting" Ginny tilts her head.
"It will do enough," Harry smiles.
"I mean it's still a wand" Ron shrugs.
"Took it off a snatcher a few weeks ago. Don't tell Hermione this but they are a bit dim, snatchers"
"I have heard" Hermione squints her eyes "and thanks for the information"
"You say don't tell Hermione a lot. What else have you said?" George raises his eyebrow, laughing at him.
"It's none of your business really" Ron looks away.
"This one was definitely part troll, The smell of him"
"Thanks, I'll have that written down" Hermione tilts her head at Ron who gulps.
"Why would you hide that from her" Luna says
"Engorgio" Harry sets the table on fire.
"Bloody hell" Ron says.
"Why would you use such test run spells to test the spell" Hermione glared at Harry.
"We're going to ignore he used me as a test run for Snape's spell Sectumsempra" Draco scoffs.
"He's crazy," Pansy hisses.
"Reducio" Harry shouts.
"You have probably already woken up Hermione from her precious sleep" Ginny rolls her eyes.
"They probably have," Fred says.
"It was time for her to wake up either way" Narcissa says.
"What's going on here?!" Hermione shouts.
* Clip ends*
" It doesn't sound like nothing," Hermione hisses.
" Okay, So before I reward you with a 30 minute break" Loki starts.
"You said you would give us a 10 but never did" Harry narrows his eyes.
" I promise, I'll give you the 30," Loki says.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...