requested by: StephanRenzoMaranan
" Anyway, It is now officially time to watch another Harry Potter Hogwarts Tournaments of Houses" Loki says.
" Oh, This will be Fun" Fred claps.
" I guess this would be the most anticipated," Loki smiles.
" and Why?" Harry asks.
" Well, I would like to start this is a clip from episode 3" Loki went on.
" That doesn't really give it a reason to be the most anticipated" Ginny tilts her head a bit.
" Maybe because of The Houses..." Loki trails off.
" You're joking," Ron gasps.
" Really?" Hermione says.
" I am not Joking" Loki laughs a bit.
" Wait its-" Draco tries to speak.
" Gryffindor v. Slytherin" Loki announces.
* Gryffindor and Slytherin start to cheer a bit*
" SLY-THER-IN" The Slytherins chant.
" GRY-FFIN-DOR" The Gryffindor's chant.
" Gryffindor is going to win," George says.
" Yes, we will," Neville Trumpeted.
" No, Slytherin will" Pansy shouts.
" Yes, We will," Draco smirks.
" and I am unbiased," Luna speaks up.
" As you should" Narcissa agrees.
" I Think Gryffindor will win," Dumbledore smiles.
" Because They will," McGonagall agrees.
" Of course they would" Snape rolls his eyes.
" Anyway, I am a Slytherin so I am kind of biassed buut let's just get to the video" Loki drags it.
* Gryffindors and Slytherins clapping*
" What is Sophia doing?" Draco points and rolls his eyes.
" It seems like you get angry over everything she does" Harry turns to face him.
" Because she's a Gryffindor," Luna adds.
" Yes, She represents the Typical Gryffindor" Draco scoffs.
" Welcome Back, Let's go back to our Duelling club round. Slytherin there is only one Gryffindor Player who hasn't Played this round yet" Helen says.
" Let it be Sophia," Pansy says.
" Waiting for her to fail a question" Bellatrix says.
" A failure?" Narcissa turns to her sister.
" Yes, A failure... That's what every Gryffindor is" Lucius concludes.
" What about Pettigrew, He was a Gryffindor" Ron asks.
" We don't Talk about him" Snape says sternly.
" You lived with him...." Harry rolls his eyes.
" Sophia, How Gryffindor are you?" Helen asks.
" Very" Hermione and Ginny say at the same time.
" Well, we can agree on that Point" Pansy scoffs.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...