" Wait, Before we move move unto your 7th year-"
" Finally" Harry sighs.
" I was just going to say " Loki huffs " That The person that plays Eddie. Joseph Quinn is a British actor".
" Oh, Then he killed that American accent" Ginny claps.
" A BRITISH METAL HEAD" George and Fred high five themselves.
" It sounded so easy for him to sound like a croaked toad on drugs" Draco chuckles.
" Ok, now shut the hell up. Draco. your getting on my nerves" Loki angers.
" Really" He smirks.
" Don't insult Eddie, The legend metal head" Fred says.
" Let's just get back to the clip" Ron sighs annoyed with the argument.
" Its like 48 seconds" Loki says.
" That's pretty short" Hermione whispers.
" It is" Luna says.
" Ok, Moving on" Loki clicks the play button.
* Hermione notices that they are stranded as Harry comes*
" We have already watched this" Neville points.
" Were getting their.." Loki trails off.
" Its funny, the way Ha-Potter is running" Draco points and starts laughing.
" I guess" Blaise shrugs.
* Hermione hexes Harry*
" Betrayal" Pansy shakes her head.
" I have my reasons for everything' Hermione sys " It would be too late and last minute to betray him. " She sighs "Besides I would get arrested because of something I can't control".
" Harry" Voldemort says.
" That's the Dark lord" Bellatrix gasps suddenly.
" That gasp took all the air in these room" Ron waves his nose.
" and released a stench " Ginny coughs.
" It is, The Dark lord" Lucius confirms.
" Tell me Grindelwald" Shows a person escaping with a wand.
" That looks like the elder wand" Dumbledore points.
" It does" Snape squints his eyes.
" Why would the person have it" McGonagall asks.
" It looks like a flashback" Dumbledore answers.
" Tell me, where it is"
" Where what is" Narcissa asks.
" How would we know" Bellatrix hisses " Were just watching"
" Grindelwald, Grindelwald'
" Is he saying Grindelwald" Dumbledore asks.
" It sounds like it" Luna says.
" He's said it about three times. I'm sure" Pansy says.
" I know you would come" Grindelwald says.
" That's Grindelwald" Ron gasps shockingly.
" He looks so old and frail" Harry comments.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...