" Well, Dang already another emotional opening scene" Loki says.
" I don't want to cry Ms. Loki" Hermione says.
" I am so sorry but you have to watch it" Loki feels bad.
" Well I might as well head back up to my seat" Draco says as he goes back to his seat.
" Thank you, Now I will play the video," Loki says.
* Hermione drops Daily Prophet she was reading on her bed*
" Nice Bedroom" Ron says.
" Thanks but didn't the Daily Prophet say that a muggle family was murdered" Hermione looks at him.
" Yes," Harry sighs.
" Hermione Tea's ready Darling" Mrs. Granger says.
* Theatre smiles a bit*
" She seems nice," Ginny says as Hermione nods.
" Coming Mum" Hermione's voice breaks.
" Her voice broke as if she was about to cry" Neville states.
" Maybe she will," Luna says.
" That doesn't sound good," Harry says.
" Come on Dudley, hurry up" Mr. Dursley says.
* Harry scoffs*
" That's Your Uncle" Hermione turns to Harry who nods.
" I-I still don't understand why we have to leave" Dudley says
" Because it's not safe for us here anymore" Vernon Dursley responds.
" Quite True" Harry says.
" Voldemort could come and kill them, especially your Mother's sister" Hermione says.
* Ron is shown visible standing outside*
" Ron! Tell your Father supper's nearly ready" Molly Weasley yells.
" Ya Ron" Ginny looks at Ron who just crosses their arms as they laugh.
* Ron just Looks back outward*
" Come on, get up and Do something" George says.
" Really fella you can't be eating around all the time" Fred laughs.
" It's wonderful isn't it" Mrs. Granger says.
* Theater smiles.
" You seem to have very Lovely parents , I hope I get to meet them" Ron smiles at her.
* Some place Draco felt sad about his parents*
* Hermione raises her wand*
" What is she doing?" McGonagall says.
* Dumbledore shrugs as Snape just focuses*
" I really want to know why you are raising your wand," Harry says.
" I don't know," Hermione laughs.
" Obliviate" Hermione says, wiping her parents memory of her.
* Theater gasps*
* Tears start to fall off of Hermione's face*
" I d-don't k-know why I would.. d-do that" Hermione starts silently crying.
" Probably to protect your parent's of knowing you because of the war" Harry says feeling bad.
" Let's hope you get their memory back, that's all" Ron rubs Hermione's arm to comfort her.
* Hermione starts to disappear from the photo's*
" You were such a pretty child" Ginny says trying to lighten the situation as Hermione tries to calm herself down but continues crying.
* Hermione gulps as she looks around and sees herself disappear from the photo's*
" She had to do it because she was reading the daily prophet about The Muggle family being murdered so she wanted to protect them so The Death Eaters don't kill them as she is a muggle born witch" Luna explains.
" That would make sense" Hermione wipes her eyes with tissues that Loki had clapped for her.
* Aunt Petunia is in the car*
* Vernon is Looking at Harry as They Leave*
" Not even a goodbye or anything" Ginny says angrily.
" They never cared about me what makes you Think that" Harry laughs annoyed.
* Hermione leaves her house*
" I hope we can end this all before I have to Obliviate my parents and not know if I can get their memories back" Hermione cries silent tears.
" W-we can try" Harry says knowing if they did the final battle earlier Hermione would probably still have to Obliviate her parents.
* Hermione walks out towards the empty road*
* Clip ends*
" The first 2 scenes of our 7th year are already bad enough" Ron says.
" Clearly Heart wrenching" Ginny comments.
" Exactly, My Reaction when I first watched the movie" Loki says " Had to make me watch people get traumatized or do things that they might not know the effect of".
" Honestly.. 7th year is already sounding like a lot will happen" Harry says.
" I mean why do you think there is 2 parts" Loki laughs a bit Lighthearted.
" That's True" George says.
" I'll give you guys a 2 minute break so I can see what else we have to react to" Loki says Hoovering towards the back.

FanfictionI haven't really seen any HP Characters react to actors and actresses so I decided to make one myself. I Think The Title is really self explanatory but The students of Hogwarts are on the way to 5th year when all of a sudden they disappear. The Cove...