XXXV. Late winter night

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Albert looked at him, thinking back to what Trust had told him, he wasn't sure what to believe, he didn't know what he wanted anymore. "I do like you, obviously" he replied, but what if Trust was right? He couldn't ever forgive Rust for such a heinous act.

*Rust's POV*

I looked directly at him, he was too hesitant about it, he didn't mean it did he? Or is he holding back on something? I shouldn't have asked him that, but he brought it up. I didn't want to lose him, I'm at such a point that it doesn't matter to me if he loves me or not, I just want to be there with him.

"I should get going, it's getting pretty dark, don't you think?" Albert said standing up, I nodded and with that we shared a goodbye and he left. I sighed at the door and locked it, I looked back at the empty house, I should do something, I'm not sure what but to just occupy myself.

*Albert's POV*

I got to my car driving off slowly, I was confused with my feeling, I mean I'm sure I love him but it's scary to think that I'm falling in love with a murderer, the murderer of someone I cared so dearly for and god knows how many other people, but again I don't have any leads to it, and I hope I never get the news that he is, or more exactly proof.

It was night but I haven't uploaded in a while, I don't want to concern anyone especially now, so I got on my computer and started recording, I decided to just troll mindless noobs on 'adopt and raise a child' laughing at the kids who had no idea what was going on.

I sent the footage to my editors as I sighed, turning off the computer and stretching, I looked at my recording room a bit, I still felt off about earlier. I mean I've known Rust for so long and yet I feel like I don't KNOW him, it stressed me out, what if Trust was right? Right about Rust and him committing that act, what would I do? I stopped myself before I started doubting myself and left the room.

I went toward my room hesitant on the doorknob before opening it, I was so terrified of the thought of Trust being right. I laid on my bed as I stared up at the ceiling, I shut my eyes soon after, I really need to rest.

*Rust's POV*

I sighed as I stared outside the window, why didn't I tell him yes? I could've admitted it right then and there, so why didn't I do it? I'm so stupid. I restrained myself from crying and shut my eyes, why did I feel this way? It's my fault, so why am I sad about this. I sat up and got a jacket from my closet, I'll just go out on a walk, that should calm me a bit.

I felt the cool breeze hit my exposed skin as I shut the door of the house, I shuddered as I adapted quickly to the temperature. I put my hands in my pockets walking towards the sidewalk, I headed towards the park nearby, the one I first hung out with Albert at, I smiled slightly as I made my way there.

I looked up at the lampposts which glowed dimly I sighed as I stared at them, they weren't as affective but they did enough to see the ground on its exact spot, I looked back down at the park keeping my sight on my surroundings, I smiled as I felt the breeze hitting my skin, it was calming in away. I sat down on the bench and looked up to the sky. It was cloudy so much that the clouds were covering the moon slightly, yet it was still beautiful.

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