VII. Something about you

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Here on my own..maybe

•Rust's POV•

I jumped around the house in gleed and excitedness since well, I believe yesterday was one of my biggest dreams come true! I calmed down as I looked over at the house in front of mine, it was decorated for christmas, it was december afterall, I found it pretty though. I decided to do the same although I usually do it since I've been living alone for a while and it's not much fun when you're alone, I guess..but I think it was a good idea to try and do something this year. I walked towards my car with a few ideas one how to make it look nice, I should probably get the things I need then. I don't get a lot of texts from people, I got slightly concerned as I checked my phone and gladly, it was Albert. I sighed in relief and answered

Albert: Hey rust! That's how you spell your name right? Or did I not hear you right? Sorry if I didn't
Rust: Yeah that's me! haha
Albert: I was wondering if you wanted to meet up somewhere...maybe back to that park from yesterday?
Rust: sure!
Rust: wait when?
Albert: Uhm maybe somewhere in the afternoon seems good you alright with that?
Rust: yeah that's okay

I went back to my plan and drove to a nearby store. I thought the idea of Albert coming over to help would be nice, maybe I could ask him if he'd like to help. I smiled as I drove past the house and went to the store.

•Albert's POV•

I yawned and checked the time, it's going to be a while until afternoon. I sighed and looked through my contacts. I stared at the last text messages I had with Lana, I looked at the last time she read them and sighed.

I wish I still had her here, I turned off my phone, "I love you goodnight" I sighed, that was the last message I sent before being left on read.I got up, I needed to do something, I got on my computer turning it on and loading up roblox, I'll just make a video, that will get me going.

•Rust's POV•

I walked towards my house and checked the time. It was about 5 so I rushed to the small hut to get a hammer and nails. I sighed, putting everything away, I soon got a notification on my phone, I checked it and it was Albert!

Albert: I'm here early

I laughed as I answered his text, I didn't expect him to care enough about meeting up to end up early. I answered his text message happily.

Rust: that's okay!
Rust: i'll see you in a little bit

I left everything inside and locked my house and walked towards the park.

I saw Albert as he waved at me while running towards me, I waved back and smiled "hey Albert" I said "hey rust" he smiled which made my heart mentally melt and I felt my cheeks heat up I bit. I know I can't be with him since I made his life miserable and mine along with it.

I kept my smile, even after that whole realization bit I felt wrong for being near him, would he ever realize it was me? "Have you been listening to anything I just said?" Albert said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "oh uh sorry, I just zoned out" I said embarrassed and a now red face. "That's pretty rude for our second date" he sighed, I looked at him with wide eyes, did he really just say that? "just kidding!!" he chuckled. "Maybe don't have such high standards for me" I rolled my eyes, he laughed and I joined in quickly after.

The sun eventually fell and I sighed, I didn't want him to leave so soon. I did my best to convince him to come over to help me decorate the house a bit, he agreed and followed me to my house. We got the front of the house glowing with pretty white lights and other decor, but it was far too late and I was worried something could happen to him if he left at this hour. I got him to agree to stay for the night assuring him it wouldn't be a big deal.

*Albert's POV*

I didn't want to bother Rust too much by staying the night, my house wasn't too far and I could easily walk back home but he insisted on me staying so I agreed to. He showed me around a bit and showed me where I'd be stay for the night, I thanked him and he soon left, I turned off the light leaving the lamp on the nightstand lit, I set the bed up a bit to my liking and dug myself inside the blankets, I smiled getting pretty comfortable and drifted off to sleep.

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