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*Rust's POV*

After eating, I didn't want to question the kiss that I gave this morning even though I was curious about it,so I then tried keeping my mind distracted from it and I soon came up with an idea "hey albert?" I asked "hm?" he answered "wanna go somewhere?" I said "sure but where are we headed?" he questioned "hmm...a cliff we could see the city from there that would be fun would it?" I answered "yeah lets do it" he responded with a smile that melts my heart.

|very epic time skip to the car ride|

The moon was nearly visible but it was till sunset when me and albert were out going into the car I let him drive the car and sat on the passenger seat to enjoy the view outside the radio was a bit low but yet I could hear the song playing I think I've heard this song before but I don't really remember I think it was something like addicted to you...yeah that was it kinda reminds me of albert for probably some obvious reasons, I think I "albert" I asked "yeah?" he responded to me "are you sure you know where you are going?" I questioned "yeah I'm sure" he said "alright" I said and smiled at the view outside we were on a bridge and the lights of the city beamed onto the water underneath us and then there was soon a tunnel the yellow light changed the feel to the environment quick and the silence soon became unbearable so I turned up the volume of the radio "glad I wasn't the only one with that thought" albert broke the silence with laugh smiled and laughed along with him I love the sound of his laugh I find it very soothing quite loveable but honestly anything from him is loveable...the human emotion is slower to impact, more insidious.it emanates from us but love seems to show quicker than other emotions or maybe it's just me?

I don't often question myself on those things and for this reason it's for the better that I don't.

*albert's POV*

I took a small peek at rust he really seems stuck in his thoughts yet it gets me wondering what he is always thinking about. I am quite glad that he never mentioned anything about earlier. We were near the place I hoped stayed the same since highschool...now that I think about it that was really years ago so it is 50/50 tha it's at the same condition that it was years ago now am getting lost in thought- it must be contagious! I chuckled about that for a small bit which seemed to get Rust's attention "are you okay rust?" I said with another chuckle "yeah I'm fine" he said smiling "you sure?" I asked him again "yeah am sure" he said and looked out the window again.

We soon arrived and yes! Even after all those years it still stands untouched. I smiled then looked beside me and rust ws sleeping...cute- wait no- I shook him a bit and he yawned and turned to me "yeah?" he said sleepily "we are here" I smiled and then he shot a smile back at me he leaned towards me and soon gave me a small peck on the cheek.

"The second we met" |rustbert|Where stories live. Discover now