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•Albert's POV•

I drove back to the house as the sunset shined on my eyes, but not bad enough for it could affect my sight to where I was going. I was quite drowsy but the sunlight kept me from sleeping. I dragged myself up towards my room and flopped on the bed. I heard the Roblox notification coming from the computer so I lazily got up and checked it, rust trust? I didn't remember having anyone on my friends' list by the name but  I checked the message they sent me; "I shouldn't be the one to talk but you should stop hanging around rust before something unpleasing happens.." he wrote, "wait why, and who are you also how do you know I hang out with him?" I texted back discombobulated about what he said and creeped out as well, "you should just take my advice you will need it..either way it's dark you should get sleep" he responded. And I clearly didn't get any sleep today.

•Rust's POV•
I lost nearly every round! Well, I guess I'm not too good at the game, either way, I walked upstairs to continue on the game I was working on for a while but I was quite excited to see what Albert would say about it I haven't talked to him in-game since the last game I made but I had to continue with what I started so I didn't speak with him in-game for months or so until I'm nearly done and when I'm done with it. I was nearly done so I texted him with a "are you ready?" I keep it like that and soon closed my computer and head to bed and drifting off to sleep.

"The second we met" |rustbert|Where stories live. Discover now