XXIX. Nice day for a talk

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Trust's POV

    "Hey Al it's me trust if you don't remember, I was wondering if you come over sometime just wanna talk about something... Maybe it would interest you if I told you it's about rust? Hahaha see you soon Al!" and there...Can't make it too oblivious. Hopefully, he doesn't bring rust for some reason, or at least without giving me any heads up. I'd have to think of something if it came to that extent grm sooo time to think something up for if that is the case...

Albert's POV

    Something about rust huh? Sounds uh interesting...I'll just wonder if I should take rust with me... Well, I shouldn't it would probably just be awkward I'll just go alone. Yeah, that's a better idea so it's settled but now I should be heading to bed. I'm tired.

Rust's POV

    I felt like something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it but something didn't sit right with me,,, it's probably nothing but I just can't get comfortable with that in mind but I'll try my best to try to get some sleep.

Albert's POV

    I got dressed to go out and see trust I texted rust beforehand just to make sure he wouldn't go out to text me questions, hm, why would he say anything anyway? I should actually start going to get dressed and stuff to go on my way.

Trust's POV

I waited in the living room I made myself a mint tea to waste some time I looking outside my window and watched the clouds move and the soft breeze flowing through the trees it yet was quite cold outside I wouldn't go out to watch from outside so I'll just admire it from the window,,, what a shame I never was meaning for this to happen I didn't want to involve others into my problems and deals but yet this would be the best plan I could come up with," I swear I will not touch a hair on someone after leaving this job" "is it a deal then, rust?" "yes, it's a deal trust." Those words damned kid. How much to do in such little time just leaving him in pain is not what I necessarily wanted but I'm not to decide what he chooses to do. He knows he has it coming...oh I wonder, what Albert would think of him? To see him so vulnerable for the problems he caused for himself I wish I could feel sorry but I don't, maybe he deserves it.

*Albert's POV*

    Finally, I'm here. I wonder what this is all about, maybe it's a party? A surprise party sounds funny, doesn't it? As I walked toward the house which seemed quite big and a bit fancy, was he rich or something? Probably huh? Eh not like it matters I ended up ringing his doorbell and he answered the door quite fast "oh hello Albert! I expected you would come" He laughed "come in it's pretty cold outside" he then said "ok thanks" I responded so I soon walked in. We got to a nice place where he had tea ready for me and himself. I sat down and smiled "so about rust I'm sure he hasn't told you this but did he tell you about how he killed this girl, her name was Lana? Yeah, Lana."

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