XVII. Movies!

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Ooga Booga I'm alive

|:|Albert's POV|:|

I walk up to rust's steps and knocked on the door to hear him arguing with another person, but I didn't know what was going on in there because of the yelling I couldn't makeup but I soon heard sobbing so I knocked loudly then everything went silent...I stepped back and waited impatiently at the door, and soon rust opened the door with a bright smile "um is everything fine in here" I question rust "uh um yes everything is fine" rust said with a nervous laugh, "then what was all the yelling and sobbing about?" I said knowing he is bad at lying at the spot  "my friend and I were playing and he raged because of my win..yeah" he said with a nervous laugh. "Okay then.." I said with suspicion. There was clearly something wrong with rust but I just brushed it off, hoping that I could trust him.

|:|rust's POV|:|

I sighed in relief, and welcomed him in I saw trust wave to Albert from the corner of my eye, it scared me a bit knowing what trust could and would say..but I shook it off trying to not to make it noticeable that I was lying, I don't really know how long trust can keep a secret and I don't know what I can do to prevent him from telling Albert.
"Hey, rust whatcha' doing?" Trust said grinning "oh um I was just getting some milk," I said grabbing the strawberry milk and chuckled "wanna join me and Albert? We are gonna go watch a movie" he said with the same grin as before on his face "okay then" I said grinding my teeth silently, I really despise trust but I really can't do nothing now and I can't let him go anywhere alone with Albert the thought of him and Albert alone scares me, so I was forced to go to the movies with them.

|20 minutes later|

I walked aside from Albert and made sure I got the seat next to him, hoping that trust wouldn't be able to get any of the seats near him. We finally got to the front of the line when I asked: "what are we watching anyway?" Looking at the two with a smile "oh well we were planning to watch a horror movie why?" Albert answered 'oh no, I'm not too good when it comes to horror movies..' I thought, then we were called up and Albert choose the movie I immediately asked for the seat next to Albert's and gladly the other seat would have one person in between Albert and him so we got our tickets and when it the movie theater.

"The second we met" |rustbert|Where stories live. Discover now