XXI. Patients

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*Rust's POV*
  It's been well past two weeks and I can't stand it. I'm a bit worried why has he taken so long to come back? He did say he was going to come back in two weeks but its been past why isn't he back home, grhh I've never been so worried in my life! Gee, I should calm down the jake guy doesn't look like a bad they so he is fine, right? I hope so...I will go insane if he takes two more weeks though.

After a while...

*Rust's POV*
I'm bored as hell─ it's been too long I don't really have anything to do but whine here lying on my bed... I really need to get up and do something. Literally. I got up from my bed and went downstairs to the bathroom, I stare at myself in the mirror, damn I'm ugly as fuck. I then proceed to "complement" myself while washing my face and brushing my hair, I then check the time and groan "how did I whine in my bed for an hour and a half?!" I thought out loud before I could say any more of myself I hear a knock and the door pleading that it would be Albert I immediately open the door with a smile "hi!" I tell the person in front of me but once I actually see them... it's not him. ″you are in a good mood apparently I thought you were going to be whining in your room right now, underestimated you?″ trust questioned me ''haha, yeah... but anyway what brings you around?″ I questioned him back ″oh nothing I was just hoping to see you miserable since he hasn't been back from that 2-week trip... aren't you worried? I mean no need to answer I know you are hahaha... you are pathetic we both know that's the truth, you are as miserable as he was when he saw his poor girlfriend, Lana, dead. decapitated. Because you couldn't resist your urges you sick fuck, I genuinely hope you die in a damn pit being toured for your ways of ″love″you sicko.″ his yelling increases and his face of calmness turns into a furious red ″I know trust I know I am just please calm down we don't want the cops to be called on us okay...″ I respond in as nervous yet calm tone of voice, but he didn't seem to take it...″NO RUST YOU CAN'T JUST DO SHIT LIKE THAT YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT″ he screamed "DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HER? FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND DID YOU STOP ABOUT THINKING ABOUT YOURSELF AND THOUGHT ABOUT HER?" He yelled the question to me "trust... I think it's time for you to leave. Now." I responded with anger filling my thoughts "that's all you can say you pathetic whore, isn't it? You fucking idiot... well see you soon rust! Bye." He said and with his goodbye a delightful tone but yet frightening like what he said before that wasn't told at all and then he soon left left.

(Do u guy mind NSFW?😳)

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