VIII. For the last time

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She was the light of my day.
•Albert's POV•

I looked around with a shaky breath. I walked downstairs and saw police cars outside, my heart dropped seeing who was being taken, it was Rust? I questioned the cops as soon as I got out the house, and what they told me made my blood boil, "well we have good news for you sir, found the murderer of you're partner" the cop said and I stared at Rust.

I couldn't believe I loved the person who murdered Lana, I felt so many emotions rush to me but the main one was rage, it was so bad to the point that I would love to see him get tortured but at the same time I wanted to stop those thoughts since I also "liked" him, I was confused with my emotions but not with was is happening I started tearing up and yelled at him and yelled things I knew I wouldn't regret telling him.

"Why...WHY DID YOU DO IT YOU STOLE MY HAPPINESS BEFORE AND AGAIN RUST!" I yelled at him in tears while he was taking in the back of the police car. "WHY AREN'T FUCKING ANSWER ME WHAT TO SCARED TO SAY IT? I MEAN YOU CLEARLY WANTED TO LIE TO ME ACTING LIKE YOU WEREN'T INVOLVED I SHOULD HAVE RAN RIGHT FUCKING THERE WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOUR NAME" I yelled while the tears running down my cheek, then soon drying with the wind.

I felt like straggling him until I saw his face turn purple from the pressure on his neck killing him to his last breath leaving the marks of my hands on his neck as I looked at my red knuckles of punching him, I thought about her, how she'd lighten up my mornings and made me so..happy. I glared at him with dread, I wish I could have killed him there but all I did was scream, scream to him. Wishing I never met him, wishing he never existed. The memories of Lana rushed towards me making me feel insane like making the world go back to hug her and kiss her one last time...

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