XXXVIII. See you later

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*Albert's POV*

The fight I had with Trust earlier wasn't my full intention, I felt slightly bad after yelling at him through the phone, but I still had the right to. I mean he was extremely indirect with me, as if he was hiding something from me. I didn't understand, he seemed like he really meant it, but again I'd never really know unless Rust confessed himself or there was some sort of strong evidence, so till then I have no reason to act any differently towards Rust.

I sighed as I sat in bed, I didn't want to get up, but I had to eventually, maybe not right now. I scrolled through my phone, I've been talking to more people recently and everything has been getting better. I should maybe stop worrying about Trust so much, I wish I could introduce Rust to my friends, I mean I talk so much about him to others it peaked their attention on who the mystery man was. Maybe I should introduce him! But I'm worried about him, though my group of friends isn't very big, I'm still unaware of his experience with others, I've mainly only hung out alone with him or people he knows. Maybe it wasn't time yet, but I could possibly bring the topic up to him soon.

I sat up and went over to my recording room, I looked over at the camera and took a long breather before starting the camera. I soon found a good stopping point and stopped recording. I went downstairs to get something to eat and listened to music while making a quick breakfast for myself.

*Rust's POV*

I was on my laptop, making these games was slightly stressful. Mainly off the fact that some stuff didn't turn out how I expected or making the build itself. It was quite hard to make things quicker with these slight issues, but I should probably stop whining about that.

I sighed as I got a text, I quickly checked my phone and noticed a text from both Albert and Trust. I obviously answered Albert before Trust. He had asked me if I had any other socials other than messages, I paused— was he attempting to get information about me? Or was he genuinely curious, I wasn't really sure after yesterday but I still complied, I trusted him after all.

Albert: Rust this is really off topic but is Trust with you?

Rust: No? Why?

Albert: ok uhm can I come over like right now?

Rust: Sure just let me know when you're here

Albert: thanks

I was a bit confused, what was Trust doing? I wasn't planning to wait, so I quickly called Trust. "Hey Trust, what have you been talking to Albert recently?" I asked, I didn't want to abruptly tell him about anything in case of putting Albert in danger, "Yeah, why? Something wrong?" He replied "no not at all just wondering." he mumbled. On the other side of the phone stood a grinning Trust, "I'll be on my way to your house soon, if you don't mind me coming over" he spoke awaiting the response of Rust, this was bad.

3rd POV*

Albert soon arrived at Rust's house, Rust opened the door quickly and sighed from relief, "Albert, Trust is on his way. Actually I called him and he just told me he was coming over" Rust said, looking at the other man in front of him. "Seriously" Albert sighed in frustration, "I just— Trust has been bothering me a lot, he brought up some things about me that I wasn't comfortable about. Who is that guy and why does he keep blaming you for my girlfriend's death" He said from the built up stress. He didn't intend for Rust to find out about Lana, but he is so tired of whatever Trust is hiding and finally some get direct answers.

Rust sighed, before he could speak, Trust had already arrived. Albert turned around and looked at Trust, "what do you want now?" Albert said agitated at his appearance, "you're painfully naive Albert, why don't you get that" Trust replied and looked over towards Rust annoyed. Albert had enough of his shit he walked over toward Trust, "if you're so fucking insistent on your little theory, then why don't you say it in front of him?" He said clenching his fist, "you're so persistent" Trust said with a sigh, "well no fucking shit, you're fucking claiming that he killed my girlfriend, i'm obviously gonna be persistent idiot" He said. He got more pissed off by Trust's stupid answers, but he could tell Trust was also pretty pissed.

Trust took a glance at Rust and pulled out a pocket knife, Albert looked at him angrily "what are you just gonna stay fucking silent?" he said impatiently waiting for an answer. Rust soon spotted the knife "Trust, what are you doing" he said and quickly went over to him to attempt and take the knife out of Trust's hand. Albert soon realized what was going on and stepped back a bit, Trust only went closer to him, he looked extremely pissed off. He grabbed Albert before he could back away from him, "you're annoying Albert." He grumbled quickly jabbing his stomach, Albert felt the pain quickly spread through his body, he was stuck in a state of shock, "TRUST WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Rust yelled pushing him away from albert making him stumble from the sudden act.

Trust stumbled as albert stood is shock yet was trembling legs that soon gave up on him, he was unexpectedly stabbed twice by Trust and the pocketknife was still stuck inside of him, he whined at the pain, "fuck" he said in between of shaky breaths, Albert couldn't really process what was happening. Rust didn't know what to do, Trust was still on his feet and he wasn't sure if he should call for help or try aiding him, he looked at Trust which was staring back, I went over to Albert, he was heavily losing blood.

Rust called an ambulance and looked at Albert, he laid down on the lawn with his eyes shut and hands around the knife's handle, "don't pull it out it will make you bleed more" Rust told him, Albert nodded as tears rolled down his cheeks. Rust felt terrible, this was his fault, he held Albert's hand tightly "Albert, I love you, I really do. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I got you in this mess, but I promise you I've loved you since the second we met" Rust told him as tears ran down his face. Albert was in immense pain, he was lightheaded and felt so tired "I love you too, Rust" he replied. Once the ambulance arrived, Trust had left, Rust didn't know when he left but he only realized because he wasn't with Albert anymore, it irritated him.

And once Rust had arrived at the hospital, Albert was also gone, but in the more literal sense.

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