VI. Meeting him?

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I maybe forgot to make a headline for this chapter-
•Albert's POV•

I went downstairs shortly after waking up and made a small breakfast, which was actually just a simple cereal and a granola bar. I looked out at the weather and it seemed a bit cold but I wanted to go outside. When I finish my breakfast I put the bowl in the sink and change into a red t-shirt and a brownish coat and a red scarf to match my shirt.

I locked the door and walked towards a park that was near my house, oddly bumped into the same person from the restaurant? Which was only recognizable by his face since he was wearing a black coat with a pink shirt. I stumbled falling down in front of him, damn it this is embarrassing, he helped me up "sorry" he mumbled looking nervous "it's okay" I told him "so I know this question is weird but what's your name?" I asked "oh uh rust..yeah it's a weird name.." he said chuckling at the end.

I immediately had the thought that this is the guy I knew, Rust_101. No it can't be him, there's no way his name is actually Rust, right? But that is an odd name. I had to agree with  him honestly, it was weird that I've bumped into this guy twice. My thoughts were stopped by him asking me something "so, what's your name?" "oh, it's Albert" I answered, "so what do we wanna do?" He asked "I don't know I mean we kinda just met" I answered "yeah true," he said putting his hands in his pockets.

•Rust's POV•

I walked with Albert around the park enjoying every second of it, but it eventually got dark so we decided to go home, but gladly he agreed to exchange our phone numbers.

Once I no longer could see him in sight I smiled excitedly and ran home thinking about how this was probably one of the best days of my life so far. Once I got home I took off my coat and boots and ran upstairs to charge my phone and laid in bed with a grin on my face. I couldn't stop thinking about today and just everything we did, it played like a broken record in my head.

"The second we met" |rustbert|Where stories live. Discover now