XXXVII. Heated arguments

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*Alberts POV*

After a while of playing I sat back talking to Rust as usual but soon was interrupted by a text notification. I grabbed my phone and checked it, I soon realized that it was a text from Trust. I opened the message and before checking his message wrote to him, "I didn't find anything on his computer." I sent and then read his message. It was just asking about his computer, great. I turned off my phone and looked at Rust, "sorry about that" I said, I don't know what Trust's exactly was trying to get at with this, I really didn't understand why target Rust out of all people, he keeps just telling me it was Rust who killed her but, I don't want to believe it.

My phone kept ringing so I sighed and excused myself. I went to the bathroom and looked at my phone. I groaned, calling Trust. If he doesn't want to take my word through text I'd just tell him through the phone.

"Rust doesn't have anything Trust, I literally bursted into his house and checked everything and there was just a bunch of stuff about fishing.", "Is that what you wanted me to find? A search about 'where is the best place to fish near me?'" I spoke pissed off, "it's not about his search history that has nothing to do with what i was trying to get at—wait fishing Rust doesn't even like fishing! He's not that stupid i guess" "maybe you should just explain it clearer, what the hell did you want me to find??", "Albert-" He sighed "Rust is 'rust_010' if it wasn't anymore obviously his name is fucking Rust". I paused "so you know about my youtube channel", he knew about my channel how do I know he didn't just making this shit up "Trust, I fucking—you're the worst person ever. You- you just like seeing people unhappy you fucking dick. You live alone! No one fucking gives you enough attention so you have to start making shit up like that? fuck you Trust" I hung up the phone and groaned leaving the bathroom.

I went back with Rust apologizing about leaving and continued to talk to him till the afternoon.

*Rusts POV*

I still found it quite weird that Albert just came in to look at my computer, a bit too strange, I sighed and held on to my head. I looked at my phone hesitantly, but there's no way Trust is talking to Albert, right? I mean he could be. I'd rather just stay quiet about this for now...

I couldn't get my head off the reason Albert would come to see my computer, we've never talked online or anything—well other than texting though phone but that's besides the point. I need to figure out on why Albert wanted to see my laptop. So, I'd have to talk to probably the only other cooperate, Trust.

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