IX. What are you so afraid of?

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My headline is telling you of how it was all a dream and you guys maybe got bamboozled

•Albert's POV•

Voices swarmed in my head, and I voice that sounded louder than ever said "it not worth living anymore" and others saying things about rust and Lana, but the voice I heard louder was the one saying "you know you like him even after what he did" I started remembering the day we met, it was like if it was bound to happen.

I blinked and I was on train tracks, a train was coming right at me but I didn't do anything, I was in shock, the train rushed over me and I died on that train track, no one tried helping it just happened so fast and the pain was enormous like if I actually happen to me...come to think of it the train felt a knife, it felt like pitchforks were in my chest and with every wheel they would go in deeper and deeper.

I then woke up, again, and looked around me. I was at Rust's house again. I ran downstairs in a panic, I turned to the front of the house and there were no police nor police cars. "Are you okay?" Someone asked behind me I immediately turned and hit the person behind me, "owww" the person said covering their face, I looked at the person for a split second and I saw his pink t-shirt and of course it was the one and only rust, "what was that for?" He asked "sorry!" I apologized and tried to help him. "Why did you panic?" He asked "just a bad dream" I responded embarrassed he quickly nodded and changed the subject, "wanna eat lunch?" He questioned me, I looked up at him and smiled "mkay" I responded and walked to the dining table I made pancakes" He commented "oh, thanks man" I smiled and he handed me the pancakes.

•Rust's POV•

I was confused about what happened earlier but I'd rather not question him about it, I asked him a question trying to keep a conversation going, "what was the dream about?" I asked and he responded with a "why are you asking so many questions?" He mumbled, I hadn't asked him a lot actually but I assumed he just didn't want to tell me. Soon after I heard him sigh "not right now okay.." he responded so I nodded and walked to the living room, so I was right.

•Albert's POV•

I finished my pancakes and put the plate in the sink and walked towards rust who was sleeping on the couch, I felt bad for telling him off earlier because of a stupid dream, I wonder how much he slept last night, since im sure he'd be up right now if he had slept at any regular timing, I sat next to him and decided to get him a blanket, I sat for no reason but oh well, I walked back upstairs to the guest room get him the blanket and went back down.

I wrapped the blanket around him and soon played a movie for a distraction. It was getting quite cold now so I decided to get under the blanket with him. I looked at the screen hoping he'd walk up so we could do something together. I wonder what he does as a job or just passes his time, I didn't really know too much about him but its not really like he knew a lot about me either, it was odd to me, I've never gotten so comfortable with anyone so quickly, it felt as if I've seen him before or just been with him before it was a strange feeling. But I didn't mind it, I liked to spend time with him, and I hoped we could spend more time together.

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