XII. Weak when ur around

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•Rust's POV•

I woke up and immediately missed Albert, but of course, I can't do much about it because he probably would get weirded out, or he just really doesn't want to come? I sighed I really can't do anything about it regardless if I wanted him to, I mean he has a life too. I put the thought aside as I walked downstairs to the bathroom, and afterwards I made myself some breakfast. It was really boring without Albert I thought as I sighed. 

Sometime later Albert texted me good morning which made me smile, everything he did made me smile. I took myself out of my thoughts and answered Albert, "morning albert!" I answered, I soon decided to go on a walk around the park. I found it relaxing, especially because it was where we first met up, so that counts as sentimental value, I think. It was slightly cold out, but I was already here so why go back now.

•Albert's POV•

I texted rust before getting off the couch I slept on and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Afterwards, I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for myself. After I finished I made a video, once I finished it I sent the footage to Adam so he could edit the video. I hopped out of my chair and got my phone. I put on one of my lighter red sweaters and left the house. I went to a park nearby to clear my head from everything, it was pretty peaceful. I got in deep thinking as I've been doing quite a lot recently, but was snapped out of my thoughts to a message from Jake "hey I know you've been having a bad time recently but I was wondering if you wanna play Roblox with me? You don't gotta if you don't, that's totally understandable." He messaged "it's okay I'll join you, in a bit." I texted back and walked back home. I had finally gotten home, so I turned on my computer to see I got a message from Alonetraveler? I didn't open the message yet, but I made sure to keep it in mind after Jake ended his recording. Soon Jack ended up having to leave earlier than expected so we said our byes and ended the call. I quickly remembered about the message from Alonetravler, O checked my messages on roblox to see what needed. "you're invited to dinner :)" he messaged me. I decided to make a video for interaction and then I wouldn't have to worry about recording tomorrow! 'I'm so smart', I grinned.

•Rust's POV•

Once I got home I got a notification? I quickly grabbed my phone checking what it was and it just turned out to be a youtube video, from Albert. I smiled and watched the video as I worked on my newer projects. I was soon to finish with this game I started working on a month ago, but I was actually really proud of it. I found it kinda funny how I hate Albert in my games while it's the total opposite. I sighed if only I could tell him that easily. I found a stopping point on the process and flopped down on my bed and took a quick nap before going back to work.

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