XX. Out for weeks

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*Albert's POV*

I sigh as I pack the last bag I promised jake that Id goes to his birthday I'm alright with it but the problem is I don't really know most of his friends...so it's a bit awkward but I can't fail him I promised him on this one, I might tell rust about how I'm going to leave for a week or so I'm sure he will have some fun hanging out with trust hahaha...why are their names so weird trust and rust? Haha, that kinda rhymes but anyway I should get these bags in the car I'll text him after this.

*Rust's POV*

I walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast until I heard the sound of my phone ring. I picked up my phone and read the message from...Albert! A smile crept on my face when I saw his text until I read the whole message...¨Hey rust! Um, I'm going to be out for some weeks because of a friends birthday I promised him I'd go to the party, yeah sorry :(((( well anyway bye see you in a few weeks!¨ The smile turned into a slight frown I sighed and when back to cooking my breakfast. After eating I walked up to my room as scrolled through twitter, yep he isn't lying but who is this jake guy I have heard of him but never actually seen him, hmmm, let me see how this jake guy is...huh, he looks around his mid-20s and mostly has as a girlfriend I'm pretty sure he does, I hope he does. Two weeks aren't bad, right? I hope not but what do I do now? Albert is gone and I sure as hell don't have any friends but god I love him with his soft cheeks and his fluffy hair god he is perfect...

"The second we met" |rustbert|Where stories live. Discover now