Chapter 1

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A deep breath excaped from my mouth after waking up from a reoccurring dream. I could never get rid of this dream. I stood up from my bed and took a bath. This day is supposed to be happy and exciting as I welcome my first day in a new school. I'm on my Senior Highschool year, by the way. I had to transfer school for my SHS for some reason. I wore my uniform and grabbed the toasted bread on my way out.

The walk to the bus stop is a few hundred meters away. It is a long walk but I could do nothing about it. There were a few people also waiting for the bus.

I'm on my way to school now, riding a bus. It's already rush hour so the traffic is quite heavy. Although, I estimated I would still be on time, I didn't. When I reached the school, class was already starting and my first class on 3rd floor didn't really help.
I entered the building and climbed my way up to the third floor. I took a few stops to breath and continued.
"Good morning sir" I greeted the teacher. It took a while before he realized.

"Oh. I almost forgot. We have a transferee." He stated. "Come on in and introduce yourself." He told me. I walked to the front and introduced myself.

"Hi! I'm Style Ajero. Nice meeting all of you" I said after taking some deep breath.

The teacher pointed to a vacant seat for me. He introduced himself as Mr. Charles and then continued teaching.

The class were pretty normal. Most of my classmates listened to the teacher except for some girls who were secretly passing papers whenever the teacher is not looking.

It somehow ended up on me. One of my guy classmates caught the paper and throw it on me.

He looks hot. He's boyfriend material. I wanna be friends with him. Does he has a girlfriend? I don't know, we all met him just now. I mentally read what's on the paper. It was written by multiple people.

That's a compliment, right? I wrote something on the paper and give it back to one of the girls I saw writing on it.

I don't have one. I wrote.

The class was over before I realized it. Most of my classmates were friendly and told me their names. I am on my way to cafeteria with Pablo, Nate and Gami. I got friends already.

I saw a girl running towards our direction. She seems to be in a rush. She accidentally bumped into me and the things she was holding fell to the ground. I helped picking her things up and gave it to her. It was some books and I think some make-ups. I'm not really sure about the latter.

"H-hi! I think you're new here." The girl said. I just nodded. "What's your name? I'm Nada, by the way" She continued.

"Style. Nice--" The only thing I could say as her friends drag her away.

"Sorry but we have to be somewhere. Continue your flirting next time." Her friend said. I didn't even do anything.

"You're already famous" Nate said while the others teased me about it. He was also the one who threw the paper to me.

We lined up in the queue for lunch and filled our tray. I followed my friends as they settled on the table they apparently usually sits.

"Why did you transfer?" Gami asked while we're currently eating.

"My old school didn't offer a STEM Strand for SHS. Also, my aunt owns a dormitory near here. It's way more convenient. So, that's why." I answered.

Josh looked at me and nodded. He doesn't talk much. These three were already friends. I was the new addition.

We talked about our hobbies and interests as we continued eating. My eyes roamed around the cafeteria to look at the different groups of students. There were some teacher's tables too. So teachers do also eat in the cafeteria. My eyes stopped at someone.

"He's one of our classmate, right?" I asked as I pointed a person on a black hoodie sitting alone.I remember him from earlier in class, at least his outfit. He was sitting on the very end of the seats. He was wearing all-black. From cap to shoes. No one in the cafeteria wore a similar outfit.

"He's Kent Suson. The mysterious guy." Nate answered.

AN: The picture above is Kent Suson. 🥰😇

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