Chapter 2

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It has already been weeks and I am friends with almost everyone in the class except that 'mysterious' person. We're now eating our lunch.

"He usually sits alone and almost no one even dared to talk to him." Gami shared as we talked about Kent. I'm not sure who brought the topic first.

"I think he's a mafia's son." Pablo looked serious but i think it was an attempt to joke.

"That would be cool though." Nate responded.

The lunch break ended and soon was the class too. We were on our way out when Nada appeared again. She was waiting for us.

"Bro, I'll wait for you in the parking lot." Pablo said as they exit. Pablo has a car and apparently my dorm is on his way home.

Nada would often meet with me and we would talk for a while, we even have each other's number and would text from time to time.

"How's your week?" Nada asked as we sat down at one of the bench outside the building.

"It was fun. I got to meet new people." I paused. "I got to meet you." I continued.

Nada and I talked a little more before we decided to go home. I walked with her to her friends who was waiting in the parking lot too. One of her friends own a car too.

I went to the area where Pablo usually parks but I couldn't find Pablo's car. I checked my phone and there was a text from him saying he had to pick up his sister since his father is out of town.

There were almost no vehicle in the lot except from a few teachers. I ran across the lot and I didn't notice a motorbike approaching. It screeched loudly and is only a meter away from hitting me. I was shocked to say the least. The screeched was loud enough to put me on my knees and send flashbacks to my brain. That dream. It feels like I'm experiencing it all over again. A childhood memory. A painful one. I didn't realize I was shaking. I tried calming myself down by rubbing my hand in a circular motion against my chest.

"Are you okay?" The driver asked as he take off from his motorbike. I'm not sure who's fault is this.

"I-I'm o-kay" It took me seconds to respond. I motioned myself to stand up as he lend his hand for support. I took it and said my thanks. "T-thank you" I continued.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked.
"Thanks but I can just ride a bus there." I said as I point to the bus stop. It is a hassle but I'm not riding a stranger's car.

"I don't think you're capable to commute as of the moment." He said as he watched me trembling still. "I can give you a ride." He offered again as he removed his helmet. Somehow, the moment felt like it was in slow motion. I wasn't sure at first since he usually leans down, covering his face but I just remembered Gami mentioning Kent owns a motorbike.

"Oh.. You're Kent." I stared at him. He just nodded.

"Just tell me your address so we can get going." He demanded as he put his helmet on me.

"You're not going to wear one??" I asked and looked for another helmet. It seemed a little dangerous.

"I don't bring spare helmet because I always ride alone." He tells me as he rode back on his motorbike. "Just get on. It's my fault you're trembling." He requested slash demanded. He felt responsible to how I'm acting now, though it wasn't totally his fault. I guess my past also contributed to how I'm doing now.

I accepted his offer and rode his bike. I told him my address when he asked again..

"Hold tight." His last remark before we hit the road.

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now