Chapter 5

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It's Saturday noon and I was just done preparing. I took a bath and put on some nice clothes and sprayed a little perfume. I also kind of fixed my hair. When I was done, I made my way to the outside of my dormitory.

I am waiting for Nate to arrive. The mall is in different direction and Nate offered a ride since he would be nearer from me than Josh. We all agreed to meet at the mall but since my dorm is on his way to the mall, I got a free ride. Josh and Nate have their own cars.

"Hey!" I hear Nate greetings as he stopped in front of me.

"It took you long enough" I joked. He motioned me to get on and I did.
I put on my seatbelt and we hit the road. He drives a little faster than Josh. His car is also more expensive, I think. I'm not into car that much. It's just the visual of the car screams expensive.

"I invited someone else." Nate suddenly said as he filled the silence.

"I think I know who'd that be." I said. It's pretty much obvious.

"It's AC." We both said at the same time.

"Haha yeah. I think it would help for our activity for PE." Nate explained.

"You can keep telling yourself that." I said while teasing him. He just smiled
I think it's an excuse to hangout with her, but yeah that would be great. The more, the merrier.

Nate is popular with girls. Honestly he has a killer look a girl would easily fall in love with. He also has this cool charisma. He's easy going and very good to vibe with. Girls confessed to him multiple times according to Gami. Only there's one flaw, he's in love with someone else. It's AC. No matter who it is, if it isn't AC, he's not interested.

It was near the mall when Nate took a stop and fixed his hair for a while.

"You're really into her, huh?" I asked. He looked at me and say back.

"Yeah." It was a short answer but a very felt one.

He continued driving to the mall.
When we arrived at the mall, the boys are already there. AC arrived next.

The other guys teased him about AC silently but I'm pretty sure AC heard them as she became a little more shy. My friends couldn't be a little more discreet. Nada and her friends arrived a little later. Donna Lee was driving a Ferrari. When we were complete, we entered the mall and head to the cinema center in the fifth floor. The mall is crowded enough and the interior design looks really good.
In the elevator, I tried pushing Nate to the side to be nearer with AC.

We let the girls picked the movie. Pablo, Gami and Sharlyn bought the tickets. While I and everyone else got the drinks and some popcorns.

I was about to go to the cinema room number my ticket showed me when I saw the others going to the different direction.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked them.

"To our movie." Gami said.

"Unfortunately, the tickets here are already sold out so we booked a different movie for the both of you" Nate explained as he point to Nada near me. I know what he's doing. Revenge.

They waved their goodbyes and agreed to meet later before heading to the arcades.

We are sitting comfortably in our seat, popcorns between us. The romantic movie is so cliche for me, though I see Nada enjoying so it's good.

We are halfway through the movies when we picked popcorns at the same time, resulting in our hands holding. There was a quick awkwardness before we both backed out our hands.

The movie ended as cliche as it could. HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

We soon went out of the cinema and the rest was already waiting. Pablo is looking at us with a jaundiced look. Gami and Nate looked at me grinning as they visually teased me with Nada. I just glared at them. The girls were smiling too..

We mostly talked about the movies we watched on our way to the arcades.

When we reached the arcades, everyone started to play games rightaway. I excused myself because I had to release the pee I was holding earlier.

I walked to the restroom and passed by a nursery where they keep the kids for a while as their parents shop. It was full of kids.

When I went back after peeing, I saw someone strangely familiar in the nursery. It took me a while before I fully recognized him.

It's Kent Suson.


AN: Sooo? How was it??? Please comment your feedbacks. I really wanna read them and reflect from it. 🥰🥺

I'll update one or two chapters every Friday. So follow me to keep yourself posted. 🥰

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