Chapter 10

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I don't know why but somehow I'm nervous but also excited at the same time. I agreed to Kent's suggestion to practice here in my place. I cleaned up as much as I could. He's the first person to enter my dorm, of course excluding me. My dorm is actually for two renters but I live here alone for free. My aunt owns the dormitory.
I already told Kent the floor and door number yesterday. He already knows the way so I didn't bother telling the address.

It was past one o'clock when he arrived. I opened the door when he knocked. He brought a guitar. He is wearing black, literally everything. Cap to Shoes. Even the guitar bag is black. He removed his shoes, even if I told him it wasn't necessary. His socks are black. It's not obvious that he likes the color black.

Me on the other hand, is wearing a white shirt and a blue low-cut short with slippers on.

"Make yourself at home." I welcomed him in. He walked in and sat at the couch. He removed his hat and his jacket, revealing a sando top. His showing off his biceps.

I brought some juice that I made beforehand and some cookies too. I put it on the table in front of the couch.

"Good place." He commented.

"Yeah." I agreed. "But a little too high for me. Walking up and down the stairs is a little tiring." I added comment.

"Consider it an exersice." He answered.

"Walking to the bus station is exercise enough." I blurted out.

Silence came for a minute before I said something.

"Shall we start?" I asked him. He nodded. "We should decide what song to sing first." I suggested.

"Of course. Just choose a song and I'll learn the chords." Kent said.

"But I want to choose a song that we both like." I told him honestly. We should both relate to the song.

We listened to songs that we would alternately played and consider it.
The choosing of song actually took a very long while. We have different styles on music. I go for very slow, R&B and emotional ones but he on the other hand is into something pop or hiphop.

Finally, we get to decide a song from my playlist. I won. Though he showed me he had it on his playlist too.

He learned the chords very quickly. He really knows how to play the guitar. He looks so cool with it. It is black too. No wonder.

After dividing the singing parts, Kent said he had to go. It is already getting dark so we just agreed to practice during breaks.

"Goodbye, Kent." I said as we were walkimg towards the door.

"Goodnight, Style." He said with a playful wink.

My heart thumped.


AN: Eyyy 🥰🥰🥰  Do you feel the love in the air?

What do you think about Kent's obsession of the color Black?

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My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now