Chapter 9

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It's Friday already and I still haven't talked to Kent about our PE. He's hard to approach. He's either in class or cafeteria. He's asleep during breaks and after having his lunch, he would disappear. So, I don't really have that much chance to talk to him.

I look at him as he enter the cafeteria. We're already sitting down with our foods. Nada and her friends is with us. Kent took his usual seat.

My friends were talking about Gami performing alone. The class number was odd. Though he was given an option to join any pair to perform as trio. He decided to perform solo. I wanted to invite him but I'm worried if Kent would agree. I didn't even talked to him about the performance yet.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Nada asked me quietly. Right. We were supposed to hangout tomorrow.

"I hate to say this but can we hangout next week?" I paused, waiting for her reaction. "It's just that, it's my turn to perform next week on my PE and I still haven't talk to my partner. The weekend is the only time to practice." I explained.

"Uh-mm, yeah. I understand." Nada answered shortly.

"Promise, I'll make it up next week." I told her.

We didn't realize that the rest of our friends were listening to our conversation and the moment it ended, they started teasing us.

"I have to go." I suddenly said. I didn't even wait for their response. I stood up and brought my food and went to Kent's seat.

I have to do this now. I put my food in his table and sat down. I quickly looked around as everyone looked puzzled, even Nada. Though the guys are there to explain why I approached Kent. The rest of the students on the other hand kept whispering, observing what would happen.

"Hi." He greeted first. I looked back at him. "Anything I could help you with?" He said sarcastically.

"Hi. You know why I'm here." I said straight.

"Yeah. So, what now?" Kent asked unbothered.

"We need to decide what to do and maybe practice over the weekend." I answered.

"What can you do?" He asked seriously. "Sing? Dance?" He continued asking.

"Both of them" I grinned. He looked at me to see if I'm serious about it.

"Singing, it is." Kent said. How did he even decide that quick?

"I just said I can do both." I clarified.

"Dancing requires a lot of effort so I chose singing. And I could just play a guitar and you do the singing. Easy." He explained. He's taking the easy route. It took me a while to decide. Creating choreography can be a bit troublesome especially if you have a pair that almost doesn't talk.

"Okay singing it is. But you have to sing too." I decided. I'm lucky enough that he's cooperating. It looked like he wanted to disagree about him singing so I said something. "We have to practice this weekend, but where?" I asked him.

It was silent for a while. I chewed on my burger while thinking.

"Your place?" He suggested. I almost choked on the food I'm chewing.

AN: What do you think will happen?? Haha drop it in the comments and give a vote too. 🥰

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now