Chapter 33

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I suddenly got nervous realizing there was no other place to sit on except his bed. He doesn't have a study table. Still, I sat there carefully keeping a healthy distance from him.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Kent asked me. I tensed up a bit since I really don't know what to do too. He's not suggesting that thing? Is he? I asked myself.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "You decide." I continued and I think that was a bad decision. I saw him smirk a little too.

"Do you wanna have.. uhmm..." I tensed up to what he's bout to say. "ice cream??" He finally said.

"Ice cream?" I clarified.

"Yeah, I could get some downstairs." He said. "Or do you wanna have something else?" He teased. He knows I'm tensing up as he winked at me.  That was even worse.

I just nodded and a moment later, he's out of his room. I breathed deeply every breath I held earlier and inhaled deeply to calm myself down.
Well that was intense.

I looked around his room and see a small poster of blackpink. Hahah reallyy? I didn't expect a guy like him would be into kpop. Also, I never heard him listen to any kpop song. It didn't take a while for me to notice the album arranged in one of the corner of his room. Most of it was covered with black cloth. I swiped the black cloth and saw more albums. A lot of it were from Blackpink and some are from BigBang, BTS and Twice. He's a really a kpop fanboy.

My observations was interrupted when I heard the door open and believe me when I say Kent's face almost deformed. If only I had taken a picture. He quickly put beside the ice cream and covered the albums back.

"Too late. I've already saw everything" I teased him. Payback time.

"Well, I hope you keep that a secret." He answered shyly.

"Why? There's nothing wrong in being a kpop fan" I told him. Well it's true. But of course I'll respect his decision.

Moments later and were now eating our ice cream. He put his ice cream own and grabbed his guitar and played some familiar songs. I jumped in everytime I know the lyrics and spoonfed him oce cream from time to time.

At some point, he played a very unfamiliar song which I realized was his own composition. It's a ballad/love song and I really liked the flow. All this time, he was looking at me.

Smiling, showing sincere eyes while giving wonderful vocals. I really do love him. I said to myself.

When the song was done, we stared at each other and smiled happily.

"Did you like it?" He asked. He's anticipating for my response.

I don't know what got into me but I just wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. A kiss so deep we never shared before. He put aside his guitar and responded to my kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we continued kissing. He pushed me slowly down to bed and now I'm lying down. The kiss continued for like a minute and his hand started to roaam around my body.

"Hey!" Someone shouted. It was Tita Anne from downstairs. We stopped kissing coz were both shocked but didn't move an inch. "I'm going back to the hospital. They need more nurse in the emergency room. No dirty business please" Tita Anne continued. Moments later, we heard the door downstairs shut.

We both laughed then kissed again and the rest is history.


AN: Did the hospital really need more nurses or Kent's mom really just know how to give them space? Haha it's up to your interpretation. 😉🥰

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As always, thank you for reading my book. 🥰😍

Lovelots 💞💞

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now