Chapter 24

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I woke up pretty late in the morning. I was kinda tired yesterday specially the long distance travel on a motorbike. Though I didn't regret it. I checked my phone and got a message from Kent, greeting me a good morning over an hour ago.

'Good morning' I replied. Moments later, my phone beeped. I checked it expecting it was from Kent but it was from Nada.

"We're hanging out later, right?" I read her message. I got up and took a quick shower, fixed myself and headed to the kitchen. I toasted some bread and fried an egg for breakfast. More like a lunch.

After eating, I sat myself on the couch and turned on the TV.
I somehow fell asleep and when I woke up, an hour later, it was already past lunch time. I turned the TV off and cooked something for lunch.

I put the popcorn in the microwave and fixed a juice for later. I ate my lunch and got back in my bedroom. I changed to a pajama and got the books and activities out in the couch.

Half an hour later, I got a text from Nada that she's on her way, I quickly rushed myself downstaires and waited for her in the gate.

It wasn't long when a taxi stopped in front of me. The passenger's seat opened revealing Nada wearing a skirt, and a small shoulder bag. I took the folders she was holding and greeted her.

"Hi Style" She greeted back. I opened the gate and made her come in first. I lead the way up and warned her the long way upstairs. She didn't mind though.

"Welcome to my humble abode" I said as I opened the door for her.

"Wow. This doesn't look like a dorm." She commented. I explained to her how it was a special room for two people and how I live here for free.

"You're lucky." She said. I'm far from being lucky. I thought to myself.

There were a lot of activities to be done. I didn't do any yesterday since I was attending a funeral.

We started answering one by one, teaching each other things we dont understand. I'm more inclined to Math while Nada is more on English and Science.

When we we're halfway done, we decided to take a rest and watch a movie instead. I took the empty plate-which was filled with biscuits earlier- and put it in the sink. I got the popcorn reheated and refilled the juice before starting the movie. It was just over an hour long so it's perfect for a rest time.

The movie was a light romance, no heavy drama. Halfway the movie, I heard my phone beeped and checked it. 'What are you up to?' It was a message from Kent.

I was about to reply when I felt  a sudden weight on my shoulder. Nada fell asleep. I put my phone down and adjusted so Nada can lean comfortably. I let her rest though she woke up when the movie was about to end and we continued our activities.
We finished at around 6pm and few minutes later, her phone rings. She answered it.

"Yes, mom?" She started. So it's her mom. "Yes, we were just done... Yes, I'm coming down... Okay, bye..." She said as she put her phone down.

"Style, I have to go home." She said to me.

"Sure. I'll walk you out" I offered.

"No. You don't have to." She said.

"I insist." I said as I opened the door and walk her down to the gates. A taxi was already waiting downstairs when we reached it.

"Goodbye, Style." She bidded. I waved my hand. "See you tomorrow" She continued.

"See you" I replied. She went in and the taxi drove off.
When I reached the dorm, I arranged my activities, charged my phone and washed the dishes.

I was planning to rest for a while in the sofa but somehow ended up sleeping till morning.


AN: Thank you for reading my book up until this point.😍 No words can explain how grateful I am now 😍😇. Please don't forget to vote and comment to support my story. 😍 Share my book to your friends too who love to read these kind of stories 😍😍

BIG SHOUTOUT TO ReyRey886for consistently reading my book. 😍😍 You and along with the rest of my readers are the reason why I'm more invested to continue my story 😍 To my new readers, I hope you enjoy my story and my upcoming stories too which will be in Taglish. Ubos na English ko mga vebsss 😂🤧😂

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