Chapter 15

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It's only a few minutes before the PE class starts and I'm here still nervous. I don't actually show that I am so my friends think I'm dealing this easily.
My eyes went to Kent as he enter the room with the guitar on his back. Everyone was whispering, mostly the girls. Probably about how excited they are to see him play the guitar.

"So, Kent is playing an instrument? How about you?" Gami asked.

"Yeah, he will. I will kinda sing." I said shyly. I don't know if I'm good enough to sing. That's why I'm nervous. They teased me about it.

"Can you take a video of me performing later? I want to show it to someone." I whispered to Nate as I hand him my phone. I originally wanted Pablo to do it but he seems to be not in the mood. He's too silent.

"Sure. That's one way to impress her." Nate tell me. I didn't fully understand what he said but I didn't bother to ask.

"I have to excuse myself." I said to them as I stood up.

"Goodluck then." I heard Nate shouting.

I walked my way to where Kent is and sat beside him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked after a long silence. The first performers already started.

"I'm fine." I said. He looked at me like he didn't believe what I said. "I'm actually nervous." I said honestly.

"Me too." He replied. Really? I didn't think he would be. "But right now, I'm doing this performance for Sia and her whole situation." He told me.

Right. Grade is not the primary objective anymore. I'm doing this for Sia too. I want to show it to her. I took a few deep breath and calmed myself down. Atleast I tried.

"We can do it!" Kent exclaimed silently as he held my wrist.

Thump. Thump. Here we go again. My heart. It was just like that. I became confident that we can actually pull it off.


AN: Sorry haha. I know the performance is supposed to happen in this chapter but it felt like it had to stop at this moment. Don't worry I'll update quicker than usual. Huehue

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