Chapter 8

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"So what are you up to this weekend?" Nada asked me. We're walking along the hallways to go to our rooms. Our other friends are walking ahead of us.

"Nothing really." I told her.

"Same." She shortly answered.

"I would be probably watch movie and stuff after doing my assignment." I said. "Do you want to join me?" I offered.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah. You could come at around noon or so. I think I'm done doing my assignments at that time. Will you come?" I explained and asked her again.

"I would love to." She expressed. "I mean that would be great." She added.
Moments later and we reached their room. We send them in and made our way to the PE Room.

The PE Class came again and the performing pairs are getting ready. I see Nate and AC talking seriously. Lucky Nate. We see eye to eye and I smirk, visually teasing him with AC. He rolled his eyes. He must be very ecstatic now but he's keeping it in to perform well later.

Pablo is also preparing. Looks like they're gonna sing and rap. I remember Gami mentioning once that Pablo raps and Nate dances well.

Gami wasn't picked yet so we will perform next week. I was hoping I could pair up with him. I heard him once singing as silent as he could. He probably didn't want someone to hear it. But I heard it. It sounded good. He's a little shy but he's a good singer. Now he's looking at Pablo and Colet talking. He must be jealous, no matter how nerdy he is. He really likes her. I just learned that Gami and Colet were childhood friends probably that's when Gami started to have feelings. She glances in our direction and Gami quickly looked away. I looked at her. She was smiling. She knows. Well, it's obvious enough.

The teacher called attention and a few minutes later, we started. A few performers performed before it was Pablo's time. Gami looked at them performing, he might've wished it was him. Colet looked beautiful.
They sang to what sounds like an original piece. They were really good. Both of them knew how to rap and also has a really good singing skills. I knew it would be okay but I didn't think it would be this good. Colet and Pablo looked satisfied with their performance.
Everyone clapped after they performed, including the teacher. Gami was the best supporter. Pablo and I did a high-five when he sat beside me.

I looked at Nate after another performer get ready in the center. Nate looked nervous. He's wishing to nail it and not to embarrass AC and do justice to the performance. AC on the other hand looked calm and composed. She's really confident.

There were two performances before Nate and AC performed. Looked like they're dancing. AC set up a chair in the center and sat down while Nate stood behind it, his hands on AC's shoulder. AC seemed to have said something making Nate calm down.
This guy is smart. I tried to bother him but he was so focused. I took a video of them dancing.

The music started sweet and slow. They are dancing mostly lyrical. It was wonderful. The choreography were well performed and the display of emotion is even better. I could even assume that the feelings are mutual. There were a lot of skinship. Nate even lifted AC on his shoulder on the middle of the song. The song intensified and so as their steps and feelings. Nate stood behind AC, hugging her sweetly as the song ended. It took a while before everyone started clapping loud. The teacher was smiling. It was a while before Nate stopped hugging AC. Everyone was teasing him about it.

I see Nate and AC being statisfied with the result as they sat together somewhere. I gave Nate a thumbs up. They really did well.

After everyone performed, the final set of performing pairs is then picked. I tensed up a little. I'm wishing my pair would be Gami.

I kept hearing the names of my classmates. They cheered when they pair up with someone.

I'm still waiting for my name.
"Kent Suson" The teacher said. I just realized he wasn't picked yet. His partner would be in trouble talking with him. I looked at him as he looked uninterested to whatever's happening. The teacher picked another paper.

"Style Ajero." My mind went blank. I looked at Kent again and he just raised his shoulder and smiled weakly.

Y-No. I'm in trouble. A big one.


AN: Is anyone excited? Cause I am. Huehue. 😅🥰🥰

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