Chapter 17

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When I arrived, Kent was already there. He even asked me what took me so long.

We already showed Sia the video and she was happy. She smiled up a little.  She already knows what happened to her father. She cried for a day when she first knew it. Her mother is not in the hospital yet. We are waiting for her to arrive before we can leave. As much as possible, we don't want Sia to be left alone.

Sia is now sleeping soundly. Kent looked at her with some kind of pity in his eyes.

Kent excused himself saying he's going to the bathroom. He's not gonna cry, is he?

A nurse entered the room to check up on Sia. But before she went out of the room, she asked something.

"Are you close with the person you came with?" She asked.

She looked mature, older than us by a few years. Does she like him??

"I guess??" I answered. I'm not really sure if I can say we're close.

The door opened revealing Kent holding some stuff. He stared at the nurse. It looked like he was about to say something but he didn't. The nurse smiled and walked away.

"I bought some food." Kent finally said as the nurse closed the door behind her.

I grabbed some. I'm hungry to be honest.

We stayed for a little while before Sia's mother arrived. Before we bid our goodbye, Sandra invited us to her husband's funeral which will happen this Saturday. We promised that we'll come and said our goodbye.

"I'll give you a ride." Kent offered. I wanted to say no. Not because I dont want to, but I'm developing feelings I shouldn't feel. I wanted to keep a little distance.

Before I could decline, he already thrown the spare helmet my way.
I looked at him wearing his helmet. He looked cool.

"Kent..." I paused.. and paused.. "I-i like you." I blurted out.

I don't know if this was a right time or will it ever have but I had to say it. Sooner or later.

"What do you mean? Aren't you and that Nada together?" He looked surprised.

"It means I like you and no, Nada and I are just friends." I explained. Why did he assume Nada and I are together?

Kent looked at me. With a serious face. "Why?" He asked. I'm not sure what that question entails. Why do I like him?

"Uh-m because you're a good person. You care about people. You look like you don't care about things but actually you do. I-i really want to know you more. Discover more things about you." I stuttered. I slowly looked at Kent.

I couldn't read what his face shows. Maybe I shouldn't have confessed. He's a guy and I am too. There are girls lining up for him. I started to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder from behind.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I looked at my hands and realized the helmet is still on me. I handed him back the helmet.

"My offer still stands." He said as he put the helmet on me.

My heart thumped again.


AN: So, Style finally confessed? What do you think will happen?? 🤔😇

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Lovelots 💞💞

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