Chapter 11

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I wanted to talk to Kent before class started but I was late. I wanted to tell him that we'll practice together after lunch.

So, once again, I excused myself to my friends. I put my tray on the table where Kent was sitting. Everyone looked again.

"We should practice after lunch." I said directly.

"Ok. But I didn't bring my guitar." He responded.

"We could use the one in the music room." I tell him.

"I only play instruments that are mine." He said back.

"Ok. We could skip the guitar and focus on singing for now." I submitted. "You should bring your guitar tomorrow." I reminded him.
We continued eating our lunch then left the cafeteria together. I waved my goodbye to my friends, including Nada.

We dropped by to Kent's locker to get his copy of the lyrics. I realized his locker isn't that far with mine. I rarely use my locker though.

We headed to the music room and went in. We witnessed two people making out. They were shocked, so as we. They stopped what they were doing and the girl ran outside. The man just smirked. He's Mo, if I remembered correctly.

"That was awkward." I said when Mo finally left the room. Kent didn't say anything.

After a moment, we started singing the song we chose. Kent's voice is really deep like an ocean that's full of wonder. He has this calming charm when he sings. He really sounds good. Again, my heart started beating faster. I was lost in his voice.

"Style!" Kent called. I blinked and pay attention to what Kent was saying. "Your part" He continued while pointing to the lyrics.

"Y-yeah. Sorry" I said and then started singing my part.

I think I might have a crush on him. I thought to myself.


AN: So, here is Style admitting his feelings for Kent. 🤯🥺🥰

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Thank you to all who voted and commented so far. 🥰🥰💪 You're the best. 🥰😍

Love lots! 😘💕

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now