Chapter 27

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We broke our holding hands before going out of the room. That was a great decision as we saw Nada passing by right outside of the room. The music room is on her way to her classroom. I don't wanna create commotion. I still need to clear things up with her.

"We need to talk." I simply said as i grabeed her wrist and drag her somewhere far from people.

"Why did you post a picture?" I bluntly asked when we were finally alone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't ask for your permission." She said. She looks sincerely worried. Now I kinda feel bad for what I'm doing. "I never meant it to become a big deal." She continued.

"But now, it is. Everyone assumed we're now together." I said silently.

"I don't mind it." Nada paused. I looked at her and saw a sudden dedication from it. "I like you." She confessed. I didn't know how to respond. I kept silent for a while. Nada held my arm.

"I already have someone." I finally said as I tried to remove her hand.

"I thought you were single?" She asked. She let go of my arms herself and waited for my answer.

"Well, not recently." I said. I look at her and I could feel how hurt she is. I think I did something wrong. "I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Atleast tell me who she is." She requested. It's not a SHE. I thought to myself. I didn't say anything.

"You're a bad guy." She said as she lightly punched my stomach and walked away.


The class was just over and me and my friends are walking towards the parking lot. Of course, the guys would notice why I'm not walking with Nada.

"Where's Nada bro?" Nate asked. Gami looked around while Pablo just waited for my answer.

"She wouldn't want to hangout with us for some time." I answered honestly. The look on their face were so confused.

"Why? Don't tell me you broke up." Nate asked.

"We weren't even together." I answered bluntly. They became more confused though they didn't asked for anything more.

I opened the door of Pablo's car and went inside. Pablo followed.
Pablo started driving and we were very silent.

"What?" I asked Pablo. I could sense Pablo wants to ask something. He was hesitant to ask.

"When you said you like someone, it wasn't Nada?" He finally asked.

"No, she's not." I answered.

"Then, who?" He followed up.

"Do you really want to know??" I asked him. He's my closest firend and now I trust him enough to tell him about Kent.

"I'm sorry if I'm prying too much. I want to but you don't have to." He answered. I paused for a while.

"It's Kent." I answered.

"What???" He shockingly responded. His face was so puzzled. He even pressed the car break. "So when you rejected me, it wasn't because I'm a guy but because you already liked another guy?" He curiously asked.

"Uhmm, yeah. Sorry." I apologized. He started driving again.

"You don't have to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong." Josh answered. "But, goodluck how you'll confess to Kent." He continued.

"We're already together." I answered shortly.

"WHATTT???!" He pressed the break again with him shouting.


AN: Sorry Pablo, lubog muna StellJun ngayon 😇
Sana ako nalang mahalin mo charizzz 😇🙏🙏

Ano guys? Ok lang po ba? Hahaha

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