Chapter 20

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Pablo's POV
(*to early readers, this character was previously named as Josh-Style's new bestfriend- but I have to change it as I plan to write a different book for Josh. Just wanna let you guys know. 😇)

I went early to school and even texted Kent that I can't give him a ride today.
Gami found out that today is Style's birthday and Nate had this great idea to surprise him and all my classmates is on for it.

I looked at the back corner seat. Excluding Kent. We don't even talk to him and no one was willing to ask him. Although i think he and Style are close lately.

We bought a cake and some birthday whistles and party poppers. We went extra miles for Style. Everything is already ready.

"Surprise!!" We all shouted as he entered the room and made some noise with the whistle and poppers. We were about to sing happy birthday but he kneeled down covering his ears, breathing heavily. Everyone was silent. We don't know what's happening.

A student commotion from the back made me turn. I saw Kent rushing his way to the front.

He kneeled down beside Style and started rubbing Style's chest circularly with his hand. Somehow it made Style's breathing calmer and steady. What's happening?? When did they get this close??

Kent helped Style to stand up.

"Sorry guys. I made you worry." Style paused. " I appreciate all this. Thank you. I just have some traumatic experience with loud noises." He continued. Traumatic? What is it? And why does Kent seemed to know and I- his friends don't?

Style smiled weakly. He thanked everyone and when he looked at me, he smiled again.

I walked out of the room. I don't know what pissed me off, his hands hanging around Kent's shoulder or the fact that Kent know him better than I do.

I hear Style calling my name. I continued walking. He somehow caught up to me. He grabbed my wrist and sway me to face him.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Really? I stayed silent. "If you're feeling guilty about earlier, don't. It should be me saying sorry. I never said anything about my trauma and everyone put their efforts to surprise me and I couldn't appreciate it." He continued. It's not even about that.

I looked at him. He looked so worried. Now I'm feeling guilty. I dragged him somewhere as I saw our class teacher going our way. It was at some storage room. The space is a little tight so we stood close to each other.

I looked at him directly at his eyes, staring at his beautiful brown eyes. He's gorgeous.

"I like you." I blurted out. The secret's out. I waited for his reaction. He couldn't say anything.

I looked at his lips, waiting to get any response but instead it shuts and the temptation came over me. I tried to kiss him but before I could, he stopped me.

"I'm sorry." His only words before he left me and walked away. I should have known he isn't into guys.


AN: Did anyone expected this?? 🥰😇😇

The next chapter will be back on Style's POV. Every chapter that doesn't specify who's POV it is, it is from Style's POV. Just wanna tell you all that. 🥰

Don't forget to vote and comment guys 🥰 Love you all 💞🥰🥰

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