Chapter 26

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When the class was done, I quickly went out to look for Kent. Everyone assumed he was angry because we were too noisy and here is me thinking he's jealous. I could be right, right? Or I'm just assuming. I went to the cafeteria hoping Kent would be there. Instead, I saw Nada and approached me.

"Hi Style." She greeted. I was still looking for Kent.

"Did you see Kent come in here?" I asked her. She was surprised with my question but still answered no.

I went out of the cafeteria never realizing that I just technically ignored Nada and went to the music room.

He should be there. I reached the room and opened the door. I saw him holding the guitar but didn't actually strum it. It wasn't his guitar. I remember him saying he never plays instrument that isn't his. I slowly walk over and When he noticed me he stood up and walked passed me but I stopped him.

"Why are you acting this way?" I asked. I want to know if he's jealous or not.

"I'm acting as usual. Someone nobody." He said. "Go to your girlfriend and mind your own business." He continued. Girlfriend??

"Are you jealous" I finally said. He was flustered and tried to act calm. He is jealous.

"She's not my girlfriend." I said. He looked at ne seriously. "You are." I shyly said.

"I'm not your girlfriend." He talked back. Well yes. That was a dumb punchline.

"You're not my girlfriend but you're the one I'm together with." I said. I could swear he blushed but that might be too far fetched.
He hugged me tight and biy I was surprised. I never thought he would act this way.

"I really like you" I said as I hugged him back.

After a while we pulled away from each other and held hands for who knows how long. He also made me explain why I spent time with Nada without even telling him and how much ruckus it had caused. He denied being jealous. He was just "bored" that's why he went out of the class.

That's a lame excuse.


AN: Shy type magselos si boss Kent. 😅😇

Congrats pala sa successful send single ni Felip/Ken of SB19. 😇 Layag Kentell dun sa kanta na yon 😇

Don't forget to vote and comment to support my story. Will look forward with you for the next chapter 🥰😇🥰

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