Chapter 16

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We're now sitting in front of the class. Kent is already tuning up his guitar. The girls are already impressed. The guys on the other hand is mostly envious of the attention Kent was getting.

I looked at my friends and see them cheering for me. Though Pablo seemed a bit off. Nate was already taking a video.

Kent signaled he's ready, I looked at Teacher Hong and she told us we can start.

The song we're singing is See You Again by Sam Smith. It is a sad song about missing someone and I feel like somehow it would comfort Zia a little.

Kent started playing his guitar. I also started singing. I subconsciously observed the reaction of the crowd. They were mostly silent. Some are smiling. Though the song is quite emotional.

I thought about what Kent told me earlier. Think about Sia. I looked at Kent. He's looking down, so focused playing the guitar. I closed my eyes and started to sing more emotionally.
It was halfway of the song when I opened back my eyes. It was Kent's part and I'll provide backup vocals.
Kent raised his head and started singing. The crown we're surprised. They didn't think Kent would sing.
He looks so calm. He feels natural. I looked at him as we sang the chorus part. He looked at me too. He gave me a smile and I quickly looked away. I couldn't handle the look.

Thump. Thump. My heart again. It's so cliche but it is really beating faster.
Something is really going on with Pablo. He's glaring right now. I don't know what I did for him to glare. Though somehow I think he's glaring at Kent, not me.

I put my focus back at the performance.  We continued singing until the song ended.

The crowd went wild with the clapping. Mostly for their surprise in seeing a singing Kent. I felt like a supporting character.

I sat beside Pablo as Nate handed my phone back. I have to show it to Sia later. Pablo ignored me.

I followed Pablo after the class. Nada called me but I still followed Pablo.
"What's wrong?" I asked him as he stood in front of his car.

It was a while before he answered.

"Nothing. I have to go home." He just said as he went inside his car and drove away..

There is something. I can sense it.
I walked my way to the bus stop. I didn't want our other friends to know that Pablo and I are having troubles. At least not yet. I have to figure out what's happening first.

I rode the bus and headed to the hospital.


AN: What do you think is Pablo's deal?

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Lovelots 💞💞

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