Chapter 22

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We stayed in the music room until the bell rang for lunch break. We were both hungry. As much as I wanted to eat with him to avoid Pablo, I can't. Our relationship is still a secret and I don't want to cause another chaos. I made Kent go inside the cafeteria first before I went in myself.

I looked at our usual table and my friends were already there, including Pablo. I scanned for vacant tables but before I find one, Gami was already calling my name, motioning to sit beside them. I got my food in a tray and walked towards them. Kent was looking at me when I glanced at his direction. I sat at my usual seat, the one where I could see Kent while eating.

"Hey guys." I simply said. I looked at Pablo who's still looking down on his food.

"Hey, where did you go?" Nate asked.

"Just somewhere." I told them.

"What happened?" Nada asked the guys. Her friends is wondering too.
The guys looked at me, waiting for my signal if it's okay to tell the girls. I nodded.

"We wanted to surprise Style since it's his birthday today but instead we triggered his panic attack." Gami shared.

"Panic attack?" Nada asked. "And today's your birthday?" She continued.

The guys still don't know the whole story so they couldn't answer her.

"Uhm It was something I experienced as a child. It's nothing really." I answered. Nada looked worried.

"Are you really okay?" She asked whispering as the others talked about something else. I just nodded.

I looked at Pablo who was too silent. He even stood up first after finishing his meal, leaving the rest of us.

The rest of the day was pretty normal except for the fact that Pablo ignored me the whole time, not that I tried to talk to him but everytime i say something to the group, he wouldn't even react.

I'm walking now towards the parking lot with Nate and Gami. Nada said she has cheerleading practice. That girl is very talented and intelligent too plus she's very attractive.

"You should talk to him." My train of thought was interrupted by Nate. He's pointing to Pablo who's leaning on his car.

"He seems like he doesn't wanna talk to me." I told Nate.

"Well, atleast try. All of the stuff earlier was his plan. He made an effort for your birthday. I don't know what exactly happened but Pablo is very understanding person. I know he'll understand you." Nate answered. "Besides you need a ride anyways" he continued while smirking. He's right. I'll try.

"Hey" I greeted as I slowly approached Pablo. He looked at me and then he nodded.

"I'm sorry." I straightforwardly said. "I really appreciate your effort earlier and I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your--" My words cut as Pablo spoke.

"Calm down." He said calmly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know better." He continued. I looked at his and it was deep. I couldn't understand what it's saying.

"Get in." He commanded. He's still willing to give me a ride after all this? He's a great friend.

I went in and he drove me home. Awkward silence filled in. The car stopped as Pablo breaked right in front of my dorm building.
Before I could get out, he said something.

"Hey." He called me. I looked at him.
"Just because you rejected me doesn't mean I'll stop liking you. So I'm sorry if things get awkward from time to time. I'll know my limit. Bye." He said continuously.

I went out of the car after thanking him awkwardly and went inside the building.

I'm really sorry, Pablo. I said in my mind.


AN: The DDCON was a blast 😍😍 Although I couldn't watch it, I hope you guys did 😍😍 I'm sorry for the late update 🥺 Been busy for school

Please continue supporting my story. Vote and Comments are highly appreciated. 😇😇

I'm already planning out the plot for my next story. 😍😍 It will be in TagLish. 😇😍

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