Chapter 30

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"Where have you been?" I finally asked, removing my hand from his. "You ignored me earlier." I told him. He's sending mixed signals.

"I'm sorry... babe." He hesitated. I quickly blushed. "I found out then who took that photo so I was rushing to see her." He continued to explain.

I tried to ignore the sudden callsign.

"Who's she?". So it might really be the one i was suspecting.

"It's Chanty. Mo's younger sister." He answered.

"Was she told to post it by his brother?" I asked again.

"No no no. Mo posted it. Chanty is innocent. She said she is a BL fan so she took the picture of us holding hands. She didn't have the intention to post it. I didn't even know what BL is." Kent answered.

"Boys Love." I said shortly.

"Yeah. She explained." Kent said. "I'm really sorry for earlier... babe." He hesitated again.

"It's okay babe--" I said without realizing it.

"Thank you babe. I know you'd understand me." He thanked as he hugged me tightly. "Even chanty could see the great chemistry we have." He whispered to my ear.

I looked at him and see his serious face drawing towards me. I closed my eyes and we kissed. Before it could get deeper, a knock on the door of the room were in surprised us.
It was Chanty.

"Did I interrupted something?" She asked. She was wearing a hoodie with nerdy eyeglasses. Typical fan of a BL.

"No, you didn't." Kent answered.
"I'm really orry about what my brother did. I didn't know he saw the pictures on the camera I used. He borrowed it yesterday to take pictures on his party. I'm sorry for ruining your friendship." She apologized and explained.

"We're not friends." I heard Kent answered. I looked at him confused.

"We're actually together now." He continued as he held my hands tightly. I swear I blushed like a tomato BUT Chanty blushed harder.


AN: FINALLY! I updated on time 🤧 I'm crying. 🤧😭🤧

How was the episode? What do you think about Chanty? 😇😇

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