Chapter 7

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The weekend was fun especially in the nursery even though it was a short time. When I went back to the arcades, Nada was sitting in some corner. When the guys asked me what took me so long, I just said I went outside for a while to check something. They were skeptical but they didn't ask more. The rest of the time was spent in the arcades. It was fun too. The guys are really active and fun, we would tease each other, the girls would usually cheer and if they play, we would make sure to assist them.

Nate had a very special day. Having fun would be an understatement. He really enjoyed hanging out with AC. AC seems to had a good time too. They usually played separately from us.

They somehow looked like they were on a date. Just the two of them. I teased him a lot when we were going home. He offered a ride to AC but she declined saying her Mom would pick her up. We waited for her Mom to arrive before we went home.

Now that it's Monday, we're back in class. The classroom is a mess. Everyone is talking about their weekend, including our group. Me on the other hand kept on spacing out, thinking of the holding hands with Kent.

"So how was the movie?" Nate asked teasingly. Here is Nate's revenge. I looked at them. They were anticipating for an answer.

"It's a good movie but too cliche for me." I answered honestly.

"That's how romantic movies work." Pablo retracted.

"Did something happen between you and Nada?" Gami asked.

"Nothing special, I think." I answered. Their face looked disappointed. Josh was slightly smiling. "Though we accidentally held hands." I mention as I just remembered. Their face light up. Josh looked curious.

"I'm pretty sure that wasn't an 'accident'." Nate air quoted. It really was an accident.

The guys continued to juice any details about me and Nada until the teacher came and we disperse. I looked at Kent sleeping on his desk. He looked up and he smiled before I could look away.

Mathematics in the early morning sounds like a bad idea but it's even worse if it's in the afternoon. It would put you to sleep. No matter how much you like math.

Miss Vice, the Math instructor is a really good teacher. She really gives time for the student to understand the topic she's teaching.

The morning class was done and of course we're in the cafeteria. We're making our way towards the cafeteria when someone bumped me.

"Didn't see you there." He said. He is taller than me and even those two guys behind him.

"You could just say sorry" Pablo bounced back. I signaled Pablo to calm down.

"Well, I don't want to." He answered. It's pissing me off but I need to keep my cool. I don't want any trouble.

"It's alright. We can just both go on our way." I initiated. We both went our way but he still lightly bumped me when he passed by. Josh was very pissed.

"Who is he?" I asked my friends.

"He's Mo. Behind him was Alas and Jason." Nate answered as we continue our walk to the cafeteria.

"They are varsity basketball players as well as the school's troublemaker. They were once called to principal's office after bullying a student from other school. It was a big deal back then." Gami continued.

"That's way too detailed. But yeah." Josh commented.

"Gami forgot to mention Mo confessed to Nada last year with flowers and everything but Nada flatly rejected." Nate added.
That might be the reason why he's giving me trouble. But me and Nada are just friends. I don't see myself having romantic feelings towards her.
Nada and her friends is already waiting in our usual seat when we arrived. I seated in front of Nada.

It was something I somehow got used to. I could see Kent without looking away from my friends too much. He's eating in his usual seat. ALONE. As usual.

I suddenly laughed hard when he burped and kept it as quiet as possible, covering his mouth.. It was cu- funny.

My friends looked at me weirdly, wondering what got me laughing.

"Nothing." Is all I could say as I kept my laugh in.

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now