Chapter 28

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It's another monday morning and it neans I had to wake up early. I was just done fixing myself and is on my way out. As usual, Pablo is already waiting outside.

"Thank you for waiting" I said as I get into the car.

"It's my honor." He said sarcastically.

"Where did you go?" Pablo asked. "You declined Nate's offer to hang out with us. Saying you're 'busy'." He continued. I know his inplying something.

"Yes, I had plans with Kent. We watched a movie together." I answered. "Happy?" I asked jokingly.

"Honestly, no." He replied. There was a sudden silence between us. It was quite awkward.

"Anyways," He started. "I heard Mo's Birthday was last night." He shared.

"Yeah, I heard about it too." I answered. Mo is pretty famaus and also rich so it's a giben that people care.

"Nada was there." He told me. Mo was Nada's ex boyfriend.

"So? We weren't together." I told him. As far as I know. Mo and Nada's parents are close to each other so she might have been forced to attend.

"I just wanted you to know." He defended.

Minutes later, we were on our school parking lot.

When I got out of the car, a familiar stare from the other students welcomed me. But this time, it felt negative, like they want to say something bad.

I looked at Pablo and we had the same puzzled faces. I saw Gami quickly approaching us. He probably knows what's up.

"You need to see this." His sudden words as he hands me his phone. A picture was shown in his phone. It felt familiar. It took me a minute to remember when and where it was taken.

It was when me and Kent was on the kids center. I now remember that I bumped some girl with a camera. It might be her since the photo seems like it was taken from a pro cam.

The photo shows me and Kent sitting in the corner holding hands so I get why they re looking at me this way.

We weren't even together back then. A sudden worry came to me as I imagine how Kent would react to this news. Or he already knows now? I looked away from the phone and I couldn't even say anything to defend myself. I started to walk away as I saw Kent standing still. I stopped walking as he looked at me.

Our stare felt like forever not until he walked away...

What does that mean?? I felt like a knife just cut my heart in half...


AN: This is so heartbreaking, even for myself 🤧😭

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Thank you for continuing reading this book. 😇🥰

Also, please forgive me for uploading late 🤧 I've been real busy with school activities because I'm about to graduate huehue 🤧🥰😇 Still, I'll always do my best as I've always been. Thank you guys. 🥰 Thank you, A'TINs charr A'TIN lang talaga 😅😇🥰

Lovelots. 💞💞

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