Chapter 29

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I went inside the classroom and surprised to see Kent wasn't on his seat. Maybe he's avoiding me. I understand though. He's kinda introverted and now he might be feeling uncomfortable for being the people's topic, especially negatively.
A random stares I got here and there from my classmate. Stares of judgement. My friends though try to stop them by throwing papers, it didn't help much. The class was done without Kent appearing.

I stayed in the room for a while and told them to go ahead to the cafeteria. It took me a while to stand up and follow them.

Before I could even reach the cafeteria, a huge figure bumped me, intentionally. It was Mo.

"I'm sorry, faggot." He said as other students chuckle. It's not funny.

"What did you say? I better misheard it or else." I answered.

"I said, I'm sorry fag---" Before he could finish and before I could punch him, a hard slap landed on his face first.

It's Nada.

"That's what you get for being an asshole." She said to Mo. Mo was speechless.

"Why are you still protecting him?? Didn't he dumped you because he was gay??" Mo finally said something.

"Maybe but I don't really care. You deserved that slap for being an asshole." Nada said as she raised her middle finger to him and grabbed me somewhere.

When we were finally alone, Nada let go of my hand.

"Was it Kent?" She asked without facing me. "The person you're with now?" She continued.

"Yes." I said in a low tone. "I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No need." She said shortly.

We bid our goodbyes as I continued going to the cafeteria to meet my friends.

When I reached the cafeteria doors, I saw Kent, asking something to my friends.

Gami looked his way towards me and everyone followed, even Kent. We stared for a while. Kent walked fast towards me. I just stood still. I don't know what he's up to.

He hugged me and I could hear everyone gasped. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

He let go of the hug, held my hand and drag me somewhere.

'What's up with these people dragging me anywhere?' I thought to myself.


AN: I love you A'tin. 🤧🤧 Sorry if not consistent with my uploads. I've been real busy with school works. 🤧😭 Thesis and etc. Huhu. Sana patient po kayo for me 😇 I've always tried to update as quickly as possible. 😇🥰

Anyways, if you like my story, please dont forget to vote and comment anything you can say. I would love to read them. 😇

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now