Chapter 32

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I can't even explain how nervous I am. The more we got nearer, the more I anted to just jump off the motorbike. But me hugging Kent from behind gave me an assurance somehow.

We stopped in front of their house and I was hesitant to take off. When we finally did, Kent held my hand tightly as we walked to the doorstep.
Kent opened the door and then we walked in.

Their interior design has a nice style. The walls are mostly white but there are some ramdom shapes with different colors.

"Mom? Are you here?" Kent called. It didn't take a while before someone popped out of what looked like the kitchen. I let go of his hand quickly.

"Ohh, you've got company." His mom said. She looks familiar.

"You're a nurse, right?" I asked. I don't know if it was rude or not but she looks like the one who was assigned to Sia when she was hospitalized.

"Yes. So you remember. I'm Anne by the way." he said. I was right.

"Mom, this is--" Kent said but was interrupted.

"Style. Your boyfriend. I know." She said. If my eyes could pop out, it would have popped out by now. How did she even know. "Kent told me so much about you. So nice finally meeting you. You can call me Tita Anne." She continued.

"Really??" I looked at Kent and he just smiled shyly. It was cute to be honest.
After exchanging greetings, Tita Anne offered us to sit at the couch while she finishes what she was cooking for dinner.

It didn't take a while before she called us to eat.

The dinner was very great. We talked a lot about Kent and she asked me about myself too. I just answered honestly.

"Do your parents live with you? Or you're living in a dorm?" She asked. I was kinda stunned.

"Mom." Kent said. Tita Anne probably ensed it was a sensitive topic as she try to change the subject.

"No, it's okay." I said smiling faintly. "My parent died in a car accident. I was with them when it happened. I was the only survivor." I said. I can't recall if I already told Kent the full details but he seemed surprised.


The dinner ended and we're now hanging out at the couch with his mom. Tita Anne showed me baby pictures of Kent. He was very cute. Kent sat there shyly because he couldn't do anything.

At some point, Tita Anne's phone started to ring so she answered. It sounded important. Kent managed to grab the album from me, put it back to the shelf and pushed me towards the stairs.

When we reached the second floor, he opened one of the doors and let me in. It was his room. The room design is very dark, mostly black with hints of gray. He really loves color black.

I became nervous when he sat on his bed and I realized there was nothing else to sit on.


AN: Been so long but finally an update🤧🤪😉 . I'm officially a college graduate now 🤧🤧. Congratulations to me. 🥰🥰

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As always, thank you for reading my book. 🥰😍
Lovelots 💞💞

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