Chapter 4

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It's the last day of the week and the teacher for our last class was absent.

We're looking for something to do this weekend. This would be our first hangout outside of school. Everyone was throwing idea. This would be my first hangout in this city. It would be a great time to be familiar with directions.

"How about we hangout at some park." Gami suggested.

"That's so lame." Nate commented.
"How about at your place? We could play some games." Pablo asked me..

"My dorm is too small for us. I was thinking something Nada and her friends can join." I said.

A moment of silence took over before someone finally said something.

"THE MALL" Nate shouted excitedly. "You know, the one which recently opened. We could watch some movie and then try-out their arcades. It would be fun." He explained.

"That's a great idea." Gami expressed.

"I didn't know there was a new mall." I told them.

"That's because you're new here. Everyone anticipated the opening of that mall which took 3 years to build. The first dayof the opening filled the mall two times of what they expected. The surge recently died down and the population flow is at normal" Gami explained.

"Again, that's way too detailed." Pablo commented. Everyone laughed.

"Okay, I guess that would work." I agreed. I think Gami overinformed a little but it was good information.. "I'll tell Nada later" I continued.

"Aand maybe, you and Nada could have some dinner alone." Nate said as he poke me on my side. Everyone laughed except Pablo.

I asked Gami what movies are currently showing in the mall and searched it through the internet. I'm really into sci-fi movies and there was one movie showing with that genre.
As soon as Nada's class was over, I headed my way to her. She greeted me with a wave.

"What are you doing this Saturday?" I asked her. She looked at me and took a pause.

"Nothing, I guess. Do you wanna do something?" She answered... And asked.

"I was wondering if we could hang out. We could watch some movie in the mall and play arcades after?" I tell her.

"That would be fun." She exclaimed.

"So you're coming?" I asked. She nodded excitedly. "Okay, that's great. Please tell your friends." I continued.

"Wait, my friends are coming too?" She asked, a little confused.

"If they want to. My friends are coming too. They would love to hangout with your friends." I answered.

"O-okay, I'll tell them." She confirmed. I sense some dissatisfaction from her but I just shrugged it off.

Anyways, I have the feeling the weekend will be great.

My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now