Chapter 14

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I had that reoccurring dream again. Fast, shaky breath left my mouth. My heart beating fast. I'm terrified. Being in the hospital after for how many years made me afraid again of the possibility of losing someone. Someone I love.

Sia was already transferred in a private room. I dozed off leaning on Sia's bed. In front of me was her mother, still sleeping. I looked around and saw Kent sitting on the couch. I looked at the time.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked Kent as I walk up to him. The performance is today.

"You needed the sleep. I can just drop you to your dorm." He answered. I admit I needed the sleep. But we might be late for morning class.

I wrote a note saying we had to go to class and put it somewhere Sandra will easily see.

Kent drove me to my dorm and said his goodbye. He has to drop by his house to get his guitar.

I was about to walk inside the dorm when someone called me.

"Style!" It was Pablo. "Why are you still wearing the same outfit you wore yesterday?" Pablo asked.

I thought of anything. "I went for a run and didn't realize the time." I lied.

"Can you wait for a moment? I'll change up and be back down here ASAP." I requested. Pablo nodded. I walked in and realized I was still wearing my bag. I hope he didn't notice it.

We arrived at school just about the class started. Kent was already on his seat, leaning down as usual.

I keep on spacing out. I'm thinking either Sia's condition or the performance. I'm worried about Sia's situation. Waking up and knowing a person you loved died is a painful experience we have in common. It's terrifyingly sad. I'm also worried about the performance. The song we chose talked about losing someone and sadly, it's very fitting at the moment.

Before the morning class ended, my phone vibrated, I opened it and 1 new message is notified. I clicked it and it read,

"I'm gonna drop by in the hospital after class. You can come too if you want."

It was from Kent. Of course I want to come. I replied yes.


AN: So, the performance is about to happen. Will they nail it?

This was just a quick update. The story is still building up. I hope you're patient enough to prepare what's about to happen. 😉

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My Mysterious Crush (KENTELL) (mxm) (Student Series)Where stories live. Discover now